Guide to Being an Awesome Mentor


Jan 30, 2005
San Diego, CA
Avatar Name
Norak Skyrider Dominion
When a new player steps foot into Project Entropia, their first impressions mean everything. In most cases, the first impression is that of a mentor looking for disciples at the space ship. In general, there are two distinct of mentors, the good and the bad.

A bad mentor typically just goes on massive disciple adding spree in hopes that they will get lucky enough to get a disciple that gets to 100%. They usually provide little or no help and sometimes don't even say anything to their disciples. These types of mentors only succeed in hurting the community than helping.

A good mentor is someone who takes the time to give their disciples a quality tutorial into Project Entropia. New players fortunate enough to get mentors like these usually enjoy a better game experience and find the game much easier to get into. Obviously, good mentors like this help the community and raise up a better generation of new players. This same principle works in real life too. Educated people are much more likely to live out a quality life and not have to resort to backwards methods to obtain money (i.e. begging).

In this guide, I will explain some of my own experiences and methods in teaching my disciples. Hopefully by reading this guide, you can pick out some ideas you may like to try if you ever find yourself in the position of being a mentor. Note that some of these steps will not apply in every case. Some of the steps designed for brand new players do take a little bit of time, but you will find it very rewarding to watch these new players grow as you teach them. This guide is very in depth. I plan to release a more condensed version later, but for now this will have to do. I hope I don't put you to sleep with the length!

If you are actively seeking out a new disciple, one of the first places to look is the spaceship in Port Atlantis. There is usually a constant flow of new players pouring into the game from here. If you locate someone, start by greeting them and welcoming them to Project Entropia. If they seem to be looking around you, or generally acting lost after you have tried talking to them, try telling them to use their Enter key to talk. Once you have begun engaging in a conversation with them, make sure to introduce yourself.

Ask them if they would like you to be their mentor. Explain to them what being a mentor involves and what you will do for them. If they accept your offer, tell them how to click “Yes” on your request to be their mentor.

Next, you will want to explain basic key commands and navigating the HUD interface. Tell them especially what the space bar key does. Let them explore the HUD a little and make sure to ask if they have any questions.

Once the total basics are done and over with, you can begin to get into the more exciting topics. Tell your mentor about the 3 official skills in the game (hunting / mining / crafting). If you like, provide a short description of each and what they involve. Next, you will want to ask them if they have any particular profession they would like to get in to or are interested in. Whatever they choose, you can provide a more detailed description for them if required.

Now comes basic game mechanics. This is a very important step for the new players because it is often the most confusing and has a high probability of driving them away if they are uninformed. This is when you need to talk about the whole real money deal. Most of you have probably experienced an angry player when they hear that real money is involved. How I begin this is by asking "Did you know that this game's economy is linked to the real worlds?" If they say no, explain to them the basic "10 PED = 1$" deal. If time allows and you feel up to it, explain to them your philosophy on depositing.

One of the other most important things a new player could learn is how to sweat. If they don't like the idea of depositing, teaching them this is a must. Sometimes, your disciple will learn the value of a PED through sweating and may deposit as a result. Make sure they know that sweating is hard work!

Another possible thing you can do with your disciple to get them excited about the game is to show them the skill they are interested in by demonstrating it to them. Perhaps you could take them outside Atlantis and show them how hunting or mining works, or take them to a crafting machine and show them the world of crafting. Field demonstrations of sweating definitely always help if you have the time. Throwing in a few personal tricks to any demonstration always helps!

Collecting teleporters is also a very important concept you should explain to your disciples. If time allows, take them to Billy's Spaceship Afterworld to help them collect their first teleporter. This will also give them a little taste of the game and allow them to see some creatures that roam about. Just make sure not to run into the Allophylls!

Now that all the basics are over with, you can choose to move on with their training. For example, if your disciple is ready to start hunting, you might want to show him where and how to skill and explain how it will help him. You can also begin to teach them more advanced techniques in their chosen skill.

After the bulk of their verbal training is over, make sure to try and get into contact with them occasionally. Tell them that you are always there if they have a question and that they should ask if they ever need to. A little praise always helps too if they have been doing a good job training their skills. How you would like to continue is up to you.

As I stated before, I hope you have picked up a few ideas on how to improve your mentoring. Some of the steps may seem obvious things to do, but hopefully I have expanded enough to provide extra bits that will help even more. Of course you do not need to do all of the steps contained in this guide in one sitting, as it may talk a good hour or two. If you have any questions, comments, or additions you would like to see, please post! Thanks for reading!
Great guide! I totally agree.

I must say for myself that I was very lucky that I had an awesome mentor ingame, the one who brought me to PE in the first place. He gave me advice whenever I asked for it. Too bad that it happened before the mentor feature was implemented. He definitely deserves a reward for raising me.
I totally agree with this, good guide here Sky!

What I miss here tho, is what I always explains my diciples first. The Do's And Dont's of PE. Moral. Dont trade someone without asking first, dont beg, be polite, treat people as you want to be treated. Also, I point them to the manual. Most dont even know it exist. But -pointing to them to the manual doesnt mean you shouldnt help them and refer to the manual every time they ask a question as I know someone does.

There are also ways to learn your diciple the PE life and encourage them to play. Make little mission's with rewards. Like Collect all TP's, Get hold of oil, Sweat 100 bottles, Get a job, or move a % up as a diciple gives them a little reward, like armor parts or a gun or something or simply just peds. Whats also an idea is selling what you would usually sell to tt, to your diciple and let him try to make money of it :)
Skam said:
I totally agree with this, good guide here Sky!

What I miss here tho, is what I always explains my diciples first. The Do's And Dont's of PE. Moral. Dont trade someone without asking first, dont beg, be polite, treat people as you want to be treated. Also, I point them to the manual. Most dont even know it exist. But -pointing to them to the manual doesnt mean you shouldnt help them and refer to the manual every time they ask a question as I know someone does.

There are also ways to learn your diciple the PE life and encourage them to play. Make little mission's with rewards. Like Collect all TP's, Get hold of oil, Sweat 100 bottles, Get a job, or move a % up as a diciple gives them a little reward, like armor parts or a gun or something or simply just peds. Whats also an idea is selling what you would usually sell to tt, to your diciple and let him try to make money of it :)

Thanks :)

Teaching disciples the values of hard work is something that will carry them far in PE. Getting your status to rise in the community is not something that comes easily, and takes a lot of work. If they start the game in a lazy fashion, expecting hand outs and not working for anything, their future in the game is questionable. I've done the same things with my disciples and it appears to have helped them through the toils of training, but we'll see 6 months down the road how much is truly did :)
ya this is very close to what im trying to do with my EON project (Elite Of Noobs) i have had over 130 disciples under my wings but sadly many leave when they really understand the concept of the real money issue and that they cant make a few hundred $ by friday to by their mom a present (true story) but its a great and rewarding feeling when u see the result of your efforts and your disciples try and help other new players on track or atleast point them in the right direction

of my ~130 disciples ive kicked 40 that newer got above 0% and sofar finnished 5 with more on the way but many i fear really belive they can do it without depositing which is possible if ur the right stuff but most are not
Great guide!! :D

Great work!

Most excelent guide. I know one day I will start mentoring, and just getting these pointers first of all proves I'm not ready for it, but it helps getting there. When reading about missions and such, I feel sorry for myself that I didn't have a mentor. Didn't learn about it until it was too late, and now I feel like an orphan in a strange land. At least I live to one day raise my own n00bs, *coughs* I mean, children.
Yeah, I am one of the guys that got jipped by a bad mentor and ma will not even remove the guy, and they deleted my character, my money and my skills, but they left the bad mentor......

Leo Soul Sayer
Wow..a lot of work here..

/salute from a n00b.
I am actuatly starting to mentor for some people, got a new disciple and spent about an hour with him explaining the details of the game, the economy, how to make money by gathering sweat or by depositing and stuff like that, and let him know how to use the friends list so he can message me anytime he needs help :)
Hi all,

With mentoring, how does the reward system work?

Same question as Photon.... I'm guessing you have to qualify a few before you get a good mentor edition gift... or do they just have to pass better? It isn't clear whether they have to pass all those skill requirements or just one, could someone please explain? My first disciple's at 2% now, and I wanna know what I might get in a year or so's time! lol
The diciple only have to pass one of the skill requirements to graduate, when he does, the mentor can claim the gift, and as he does so he releases the diciple.

About how it is decided what gift you get, there is no real answer to it but "luck" and "coincidence" I think. :)
Disciple Guide?

Nice article. ;) However I think a disciple guide is also in dire need. Everytime I give my disciples armors/rifle/axe and pistol (after 3 days), they would 'disappear' or suddenly 'inactive'. Sigh. My success rate is now like 1 in every 30 disciples. (That is A LOT of Pixie/Goblin armors and weapons). :(
Vortexy said:
Nice article. ;) However I think a disciple guide is also in dire need. Everytime I give my disciples armors/rifle/axe and pistol (after 3 days), they would 'disappear' or suddenly 'inactive'. Sigh. My success rate is now like 1 in every 30 disciples. (That is A LOT of Pixie/Goblin armors and weapons). :(

lol, I agree witht that m8, I had the same, as have all, no doubt ;)

Excellent guide this, lots of time and thoughts went into it, gratz on a good job :)
I've been playing for some 6 months now and have gotten pretty skilled through normal skilling and some chipping. I've tried my hand at quite a few things in game and so I decided to go find myself a disciple.

Two days ago, I found someone. We've been running a few TPs, doing some mining and a tiny bit of crafting too. I made her a jester d-1, gave her my spare equipment BPs and bought her the basic en-matter equipment and all has been going well. She's really getting into the game, which is good - but she hasn't made a deposit yet - all her money has been made through sweating so far.

At this stage I have a number of questions:

1. How do I convince her that depositing is a good thing?
2. How do I check her progress?
3. How long does it take / what skill level does she need to get to before she's finished her training?

Thanks in advance ...

PE (Photonic Edge)
My mentor did all of those stuffs and she gave me armor,clothes,axe,before she was my mentor :D and it was i who asked her to be my mentor :laugh:
Photon said:
I've been playing for some 6 months now and have gotten pretty skilled through normal skilling and some chipping. I've tried my hand at quite a few things in game and so I decided to go find myself a disciple.

Two days ago, I found someone. We've been running a few TPs, doing some mining and a tiny bit of crafting too. I made her a jester d-1, gave her my spare equipment BPs and bought her the basic en-matter equipment and all has been going well. She's really getting into the game, which is good - but she hasn't made a deposit yet - all her money has been made through sweating so far.

At this stage I have a number of questions:

1. How do I convince her that depositing is a good thing?
2. How do I check her progress?
3. How long does it take / what skill level does she need to get to before she's finished her training?

Thanks in advance ...

PE (Photonic Edge)
Bring up your avitar info and click on the deciple button on that console. This answers 2 and 3 for you. Note that she will only need to reach the displayed level in one of the fields listed.

If you want to get her to graduate faster buy an opalo and switch it with the Jester you gave her(sell the jester to make up the cost). She will gain skills much faster that way and it does about the same damage.
good hard wearl there thx for info will take advantage off it :)
One thing I like to inform my Disciples is how they can contact me if they have problems and I am not online, through either here realityport , or Email :)

And let them know about Mind implants and skill chips I wont take on disciples that plan to use them ;), I still help them but its pointless taking on people as disciples if they plan to implant skills, as you cant use skill chips if you have a mentor.
The guide itself was very awesome. Every positive thing that you mentioned, my mentor did for me. Pale Moon, this one's for you. I don't know what reward you'll get from helping me, but I'm sure it won't be anything compared to the consistent, helpful, encouraging advice you give.
Nice. very nice.
I have been playing since about March, and the first month was spent wandering around, learning the area, getting killed, trying to sweat, getting my first weapon (a worn out Jester that got me kilt when I tried to shoot an exo), and some mining gear, finally about when I was going to leave, a fellow offered to mentor me, and showed me the ropes.
Thanks, Mantis. :clap: :yay:

I am now up to a point of thinking of taking on a disciple or two, and this guide covers much of what I have learned and taught me a few good points.
Okay but question at what level do you graduate?

Having never been able to have a mentor I'm wondering when I will reach the so called graduate level myself.
Okay but question at what level do you graduate?

Having never been able to have a mentor I'm wondering when I will reach the so called graduate level myself.
press k for ava info
click at disciples

click the "I" for info

and you find
great guide :)
press k for ava info
click at disciples

click the "I" for info

and you find

Ah okay. Is the point system known to how it equates toa preofession level?
Ah okay. Is the point system known to how it equates toa preofession level?

it's skill lvl based, not profesional lvl based.. hit K in game to bring up skills
it's skill lvl based, not profesional lvl based.. hit K in game to bring up skills

Yes I understand that. But was now wondering it say 100 skill points equates to 1 profession level or somethign to that effect.

Ie what's a users profession level when they hit say 1900 in longblades. Etc Etc.
Ah okay. Is the point system known to how it equates toa preofession level?
there was a thread once, how to calculate prof standing, but in the case of graduation thats hard to say

if you just skill rifle, you are at 1.2-1.4 level in sniper (hit)
i guess longblades/handguns/... should be quite the same
that are the "main skills", since they are directly linked to your profession

but if you want to graduate in say mindforce, concentration is a support skill, and your prof standing will be far higher, if you just skill one that is

as soon you start to mix your skilling, say 1500 HG and 2k rifle, it will be different

prof standing has no real effect of graduation, just the skills have