Replacement for EP?



Jan 31, 2005
West Virginia, USA
Soldiers of Fortune - C
Avatar Name
Racona raeky Donga
Is this forum a viable replacement for the popularity of EP? Thoughts?
I thought EP wanted to make their forum less popular, less of an "official" forum. So an alternitive forum would be in favor of EP.. right?
well if we could get everyone to come over this way, then ya it could be ;)
yea I would agree to that- makingthis site the official forum..
imho ep suxs anyway..
I see it as Leafren does... a viable alternative.
I should think it will be a good alternative because, while it shares many similiraries to EP as a forum, it has many differences....
and differences are good :girl:
I've known MindBuster for a... well... a hella long time. We have history.
And in all that history, I can only say one thing about him - he knows how to make a forum work.

Good admin, good man.

His (and Zorro's) forum, which was founded several years ago, still stands and is active. Friendly, relaxed atmosphere.
It was dedicated to a Hitman game, and lived on way past the game itself.

I like MindBuster's idea of making a forum about Entropia. He surely is one hell of an expert in the field, and I wish this place good luck!
I see it as an alternative too.
I hope it'll survive but to be able to survive as a forum you need new players to join, because most old, longtime players don't have much to say :silly2:

Now it's all new and everything is very active but if you can't get new people to join and get an entropia-forum comunity feeling the forum will slowly die.
But let's hope that won't happen :D
raeky said:
I thought EP wanted to make their forum less popular, less of an "official" forum. So an alternitive forum would be in favor of EP.. right?

Qué? Only thing that's been done is get rid of some of the 'official' feeling it had (the EP mods/admins didn't want in the first place). EP always supported other forums and allowed advertising for them on their forums, of course alternatives are good for everyone so everyone can join the forum of their taste. I still don't see what you mean with 'replacement' in your first post though.

I very much hope people will refrain from bashing EP here, not that I care (that would be kinda sad) but because I too want this forum to succeed. If new people and long time players start joining this forum with 'EP sux anyways' it just might attract only others that are not amused by EP (we've seen that happen before) and people who do think EP does a great job will stay away because they feel it's not fair and 'it'll probably be another bashing/whine forum anyways'. They of course don't know MB's reputation but that's besides the point.

Develop/start from your own strength, not from others weaknesses :wise:
Honestly, i would recommend this forum to people..

The feeling I get about this is more joyful than EP.

EF is my choice! :)
Would be nice if it were kept a secret from some of the newer players. Hehe, that is just me being greedy tho... :cool:
Hehe. I want everyone to come here instead. More fun with more players. :)

And yeah EP is large, but I don't really like the search functions etc. Search on picture description? I never found the function...
I think "alternative" is much better word than "replacement".

EP is big and there's loads and loads of people who dont like it/accept rules/etc. It would benefit everyone if those people would go somewhere else where they feel more comfortable with the principles and rules instead of trying to fight against them at EP.

This thread is among first ones I read at this forum so I cant comment much about this one but I think many of new PE forums more or less die quickly after founding because they lack their identity - they are not made to be something on their own but more like built on dislike of EP.

I saw couple neat ideas in these forums... gotta follow more closely. :)
This forum is much more appealing to me so far, I enjoy the looks it has, and the people it contains ;)

I certainly will use this instead of EP, which is only a big mess.
It's good only for posting something to sell, otherwise.. naaaah :)

EF is slow because its relatively new, it will get better eventually!

*Praise EF*
I like this forum. It´s kinda nicer then EP. Without all those evil admins.. :p
IMHO, great alternative to EP.

I'm likeing it alot and all thanks goes to the hard work of good old MB!

We love you. :thumbup:
Leafren said:
Why not an alternative?

hehe well said man :p I was going to post that if you didnt
Well I like this forum alot so far. I still like EP too but because its less people here atm I just kinda like it better. Getting feedback on threads is easier because its not 200 new posts between every login... :silly2:
Skam said:
Well I like this forum alot so far. I still like EP too but because its less people here atm I just kinda like it better. Getting feedback on threads is easier because its not 200 new posts between every login... :silly2:

yea that's realy going to be the trick. EP has realy gone nuts with newbs posting CRAP. I kinda would apreciate it if thats sort of thing happened here it would be just delteted.
Skam said:
Well I like this forum alot so far. I still like EP too but because its less people here atm I just kinda like it better. Getting feedback on threads is easier because its not 200 new posts between every login... :silly2:

Yup. But the true test for this forum will come when there are 200+ posters per day. Have to remember that currently all users here are old players who have known each other some degree for a while already.
I have been known to frequent EP. Lately (as in the last 6 months or so) there are too many posts re: quitting PE. It feels as if I'm bombarded by what I like to call PE-AA meetings everytime I log on. Yes it's every1's right to voice their concerns, but unfortunately b/c of the sheer number of members on EP every1 and their brother feels the need to vent their anger a little too much for my liking.
So- cheers to EF, and cheers to the reputation system. and cheers to every1 here :beerchug:
and long live both EP and EF... it only helps the community to have multiple forums
EDIT- But hopefully EF gets the best ppl :girl:
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Well i'd like to keep this an alternative...
And i sure as hell dont want all the nubs from EP commin over here..
Im happy to see a forum that does not have 50 Question topics which cud be looked up in a tutorial/Guide.

Was actually hoping to see mostly long time players :cool:
Mango said:
Well i'd like to keep this an alternative...
And i sure as hell dont want all the nubs from EP commin over here..
Im happy to see a forum that does not have 50 Question topics which cud be looked up in a tutorial/Guide.

Was actually hoping to see mostly long time players :cool:

Have an entrance exam. That'll keep the n00bs away ;)

Devil Doll said:
Have an entrance exam. That'll keep the n00bs away ;)


Option.. :p

Naaah shud not turn into an experienced players only forum
Juz g2 lay down some rules i guess when this forum gets bigger and bigger :)
Mango said:
Option.. :p

Naaah shud not turn into an experienced players only forum
Juz g2 lay down some rules i guess when this forum gets bigger and bigger :)

Aye- but MB took care of that in reputation system :girl:
we hardly have to refuse entrance.. i like the way EF is now though, people who's names i know. people with a reputation wether they like it or not.. people who arent going anywhere.. =)

i like that EP is quoted on slashdot and is in the Client Loader for people to find..

I also like that EF isnt quoted, and isnt in the CL and is just a bit harder to find.. ;) earlier I related it to 'graduating to EF from EP.. '

the general aura of the board is that of 'more experience' etc
Dash Smashing said:
we hardly have to refuse entrance.. i like the way EF is now though, people who's names i know. people with a reputation wether they like it or not.. people who arent going anywhere.. =)

i like that EP is quoted on slashdot and is in the Client Loader for people to find..

I also like that EF isnt quoted, and isnt in the CL and is just a bit harder to find.. ;) earlier I related it to 'graduating to EF from EP.. '

the general aura of the board is that of 'more experience' etc

Well said. Also, the whiners etc will not be interested in a board filled with people who will not pander to them.

can anyone tell me what this post is doing on frontpage ? something must be off ?