community info


Mar 19, 2005
Trigger Happy
Avatar Name
Jarod "pretender" Parker
Hello all!

These are hectic times! Project Entropia is moving forward at an enormous pace. Enjoy the ride.

A space resort sold in three days time for 1,000,000 PED – amazing, but this is just the beginning. Expect more great things in the near future.

VU 7.8 is lumbering along – the main feature therein is the taming system. The last few weeks I have seen Daikibas dance and Snablesnots do acrobatics. Hilarious stuff.

The upcoming advertisement system closes the gap between virtual and real even more. The vision of Project Entropia is to be a mirror world of our own and we will never give up that vision. Project Entropia is a unique experience today and we will maintain the essence of what Project Entropia is forever. You are still among the first few waves of colonists, in a year you all will be veterans for the large amount of newcomers that will arrive. Project Entropia is here to stay.

Don't forget to pick up your copy of the official PE Magazine, "The Entropian" from the auction in the beginning of next week. I am sure your will find its content exciting, fun and enlightening. Also, this is probably going to become a collector's item. This is the decade of the gamer!

is what Marco stated in community info!

yay finally. I think this VU will come shortly actually because marco said in like septermber i think that there are 6 VU's left for this year. and we've had i think 3 since he said that. So that leaves 3 more before the end of the year. I'm guessing Nov 22 Taming, Early december mabey Vehicles from the site of PA and End of Dec early January the Space station.
RexDameon said:
yada ya End of Dec early January the Space station.

that one is supposed to come before Christmas!

(oh, do notice supposed...:p)
Dont know is their is thread about this or not but have you noticed that is now the MA corprate site and is not the noraml pe website.

The implemtation of tameing would be more than welcome :D
"Project Entropia is moving forward at an enormous pace. Enjoy the ride. "

It does feel a bit like a rollercoaster the last few weeks (positively so). Every day or two, something is happening. The Bridge Investors must have cashed in a couple of Shanghai skyscrapers lately. I just hope MA is planning on investing a hefty sum on servers to handle the influx. WoW was a great concept, but the lag is crazy, and people cant take it. With more press, PE will be a likely place for them to migrate.

I wonder how all the hype lately will impact the auction prices for non-noob items, as people consider keeping items in storage waiting for the tons of new players to get established, causing prices to increase. Could be the right time to hoard?
I can't wait to see plenty of newbies running around with axes... and i hope it's gonna be common to be a lumberjack :p simple work... simple pay... low decay on axe tool :p like 0,1 pec per attemp to gather wood would be damn nice :p maybe some more advanced tools could be even cheaper in use :D with that.... loads of cheap wood furniture crafting could become very... common and popular. I can't wait to see in few months years fully designable self made wooden little houses for low profile players or uber mansions designed by players :D all hand's made :p