SELLING: Improved MK2


Jan 31, 2005
Oh yes, my baby is for sale.. as many already know by now.

But if you know a guy who knows a different guy that wants to buy an IMK2 for his mom, please send him over to me ;)

highest bid so far is 32k PED's.
Wow I had to bump this... was last thread in this section... 32k bet he regrets it!
Hmm let me look... ;)

That was 1 years 7 months , 3 weeks and 3 days ago from today 8/25/06 ...

or 601 days ago from today...

or 85 weeks & 6 Days.... :rofl:


The prices seems to be kinda high for the time I would think........... Guess regret depends a lot on what he/ she did with the money. If this person put towards education for an job that pays over 100k an year or bought an house with the money .... maybe it was the right thing to do!

You can see no one responded to him in this post... maybe that is an sign????
Jocke Julmust is gonna have a heartattack when he see this title up :)

Sorry Jocke, false alarm :(
Yeah don't tease Jocke that way. :laugh:
rofl i posted this on jock's thread about a week ago and mentioned how times have changed. its well before i joined but it gives you insight into the inflation that has happened over the course of time.
hehe I saw it in my thread, but after nicoles bump over 10 people have told me that they have seen one for sale here:) The price sounds good to me :D
Jocke_Julmust said:
hehe I saw it in my thread, but after nicoles bump over 10 people have told me that they have seen one for sale here:) The price sounds good to me :D

Lägg dig. :rolleyes: