Bonus effect for attributes?


Aug 8, 2007
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Sub-Zero The Killer
So about 6+ years ago a fellow Entropian had a great idea, namely adding bonus effect for all attributes.

That fellow Entropian ended up working for MA.
Yet nothing has happened since with this idea.

I'm referring to this. Check actual topic for his full suggestion, only quoted some relevant parts.
Strength allows you to carry more.
Agility allows you to run faster.
Health allows you to live longer.

What I would like to see:
Give all attributes a bonus effect. This would benefit the players as they'd get a bonus from playing and it'd benefit MindArk as people would have another reason for actually skilling up.

My simple suggestion on possible bonus effects.
Strength can impact X% the minimum damage of all melee weapons.
Health can increase your regen by X% based on Max hp.
Intelligence can increase your loot composition by X%
Psyche can increase your chance to Evade an attack by predicting the future.
Stamina can allow you to sprint for X seconds based on total stamina (Stamina would recover after certain amount of time).

My question is:
Is there any plans to introduce something like this, i.e bonus effects for all attributes (not those specific bonus effects per say, but any really) ?
In the short term, there is no plan to introduce what you suggest. With that being said we have had discussions about attributes and bonus effects in general.
In the short term, there is no plan to introduce what you suggest. With that being said we have had discussions about attributes and bonus effects in general.

Okay, thanks for your answer. If you can elaborate, what was the conclusion of said discussions? Too time consuming/balancing aspect? If short term is not on the table does that mean it's on the table longterm? Meaning one day it will be implemented in some form or another? Note that I don't mean my idea per say, but basically some form of bonus effect for all attributes.