Achievement: 1 Year of BP-130

Jul 9, 2007
Titans of Space
Avatar Name
John Black Knight
Today, one year ago i purchased my BP-130 from Evey and started what should be a hell of a skilling year (even though i still needed another 10 days before i had skilled up enough to use it), using skillpills saved up for many years for the day that i would be able to take optimal use of them. One year of skilling majorily at 80%+ skillgain buff choosing the best skill mobs in the universe and here are the results:
20/07/20: Blp Pistoleer Hit lvl115 -> 20/07/21 Blp Pistoleer Hit 237 / 122 lvls gained
20/07/20: Ranged BLP Dmg lvl 142 -> 20/07/21: Ranged BLP Dmg lvl 246 / 106 lvls gained

BP-130 T0 -> BP-130 T9.17 with roughly 9-10 million peds cycled through it

Cheers to another year :D
2nd year(2021-2022):
One more year has passed and its bp-130 day again :D

It took me 10 month to grind through T9 and finally hit T10 in may of this year.
On the other hand i used all my better skillpills up and this year majorily used 50%pills it also does still slow down further as the levels get higher.
Nevertheless hard grind with skilling focus gave some decent results:

20/07/21: Blp Pistoleer Hit lvl237 -> 20/07/22 Blp Pistoleer Hit 335 / 98 lvls gained
20/07/21: Ranged BLP Dmg lvl 246 -> 20/07/22: Ranged BLP Dmg lvl 338 / 92 lvls gained

I spent alot of time preparing for mod katana as well and keep picking longsword from codex every time i can (Swordsman 132hit/193dmg) but will likely only use it optional and/or for skilling melee once i can use it properly - imo bp-130 will continue to outperform even mod katana when it comes to skilling fast and i still have some way to go.
3rd year(2022-2023): 1st full year bp-130T10
Its BP-130 day again, first time the whole year on tier 10 !
The year got an additional boost from cyrene mecha instance which introduced tradeable skillpills and allowed me to apply over 500hours of additional 100% skilling compared to previous years.
Here is my results:
20/07/22: Blp Pistoleer Hit lvl335 -> 20/07/23 Blp Pistoleer Hit 456 / 121 lvls gained
20/07/22: Ranged BLP Dmg lvl 338 -> 20/07/23: Ranged BLP Dmg lvl 456 / 118 lvls gained
1.1million+ skillpoints / all looter profs 100+ / maxed for all existing weaponry / 612hp / Average Combat 194 / Topskill Blp Weaponry 70k+

With most of my codex reward skills and overall offense skills now being quite high i have started to focus on defense skilling picking athletics whenever i can and plan to start with picking evade/dodge rewards as well soon. Currently my evader 136 / dodger 127 are sufficient for most existing gameplay but with mindarks tendancy to introduce more highlevel mobs and defense being much harder to raise then offense i feel that i have to put some longterm effort into this area to be futureproof.
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Nice progress!
The skill speed is impressive on such turnover if you go for the right mobs and use a lot of skill pills.
On roughly the same turnover, but no skill pills and never picked right mobs for skilling, I got around 70 levels in hit so the difference is pretty significant.
Stay focused ;)
well I know there were quite a lot of shubs done as I often saw JBK hunting these on Monria (or maybe he was just doing dailies)
The number that impress me more is the ammo turnover.
on the lower end of 9m it is 750.000/mo
that is 25.000 / day... insane

and 9m at 98.5% is a nice 13.500 USD of server cost paid by JBK
congratulations and thank you for feeding the server hamsters :)
Congratulations. Excellent achievement! Interesting progression on your hit level closing the gap on your dmg level, was that via Codex skill choices or just something that naturally occurred as things progressed?
Thank you all :D

To answer a few questions:
I switched from a slugstorm T10 to bp-130 so my sniper skills were in the 130ties with the handgun skills lacking behind.
When i purchased the bp-130 i had already worked hard to prepare for the day raising my pistoleer lvl from around 100 to 115 in a matter of a couple weeks using L weapons like the L2020's and anything blp pistol that i could get my hands on with less then 108%mu i even spent around 1.5k daily tokens on jasonich sif-o's - i broke around 3+ L pistols with p20 extenders per day and finished all missions and codex stages were i could pick handgun skills - this continued for about 10 days after the purchase of the bp-130 when i actually started using it.
My ability to cycle peds after switching from slugstorm T-10 to bp-130 T0 was severely reduced due to the much better DPP of 3.888 so i had quite some work infront of me before i was beating slugstorm dps and cycle ability but on the other hand the returns became much more reliable with smaller and smaller swings as i was mainly skilling on mobs with less then 2k hp - at the same time my looter professions grew from the low 80ties to now 101 animal looter which has made it possible to me to cycle these amounts at very little expenses.

And yes im a depositor i love to support the grow of the game and im here to stay for a very long time, but the money i depoed pretty much got all used for gear upgrades, the value of gear i obtained exceeds the amount i depoed considerably.

After i maxed bp-130 on required skills i stopped picking handgun rewards in codex and focused on maxing health/looter profs get my doctor unlock done and my mindforce skills high enough to use the top end chips so i can work force merge for health gain later on and help my wife with tiering/ticking her chip.
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well I know there were quite a lot of shubs done as I often saw JBK hunting these on Monria (or maybe he was just doing dailies)
I believe he did 1M (sic) Shubs on Monria! As I understand it the Log 4 was looted more than 30 times. THe smaller shubs have decent Level to HP ratio, but I believe there are better skill mobs in the universe for most players (with considerably lower DPS). Main problem with JBK's DPS is having a spawn that respawns fast enough to be able to shoot non-stop with 240+ DPS. Imo the best spawns for such play is found on Cyrene (Flesh Rippers were mentioned), but Shub cave also has high respawn rate. Caly spawns are usually too spaced out, same with Ark. RT has some dense spawns though.
Incredible achievement JBK - very well done. I'll be looking forward to seeing your "1 year of BP-130 at tier 10" thread next!
I believe he did 1M (sic) Shubs on Monria! As I understand it the Log 4 was looted more than 30 times. THe smaller shubs have decent Level to HP ratio, but I believe there are better skill mobs in the universe for most players (with considerably lower DPS). Main problem with JBK's DPS is having a spawn that respawns fast enough to be able to shoot non-stop with 240+ DPS. Imo the best spawns for such play is found on Cyrene (Flesh Rippers were mentioned), but Shub cave also has high respawn rate. Caly spawns are usually too spaced out, same with Ark. RT has some dense spawns though.
Could JBK confirm the 30drops:1m be real helpful to know what that drop rate actually looks like over massive data sets?
@ AckerZ:
not only the data was posted, but also the frequency of drop rate for pages.
find the post at the link below. very interesting.

[Moderated: Removed reply to deleted post]

Back on topic:
Thanks everyone for the well wishes, stay focused, stay positive - noone 'needs' scripts/bots to skill fast - choosing the right mobs and the right gear will gain you more skills then any bot could. A good helper to such choice is -> this mob lvl to hp ratio google sheet
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One more year has passed and its bp-130 day again :D

It took me 10 month to grind through T9 and finally hit T10 in may of this year.
On the other hand i used all my better skillpills up and this year majorily used 50%pills it also does still slow down further as the levels get higher.
Nevertheless hard grind with skilling focus gave some decent results:

20/07/21: Blp Pistoleer Hit lvl237 -> 20/07/22 Blp Pistoleer Hit 335 / 98 lvls gained
20/07/21: Ranged BLP Dmg lvl 246 -> 20/07/22: Ranged BLP Dmg lvl 338 / 92 lvls gained

I spent alot of time preparing for mod katana as well and keep picking longsword from codex every time i can (Swordsman 132hit/193dmg) but will likely only use it optional and/or for skilling melee once i can use it properly - imo bp-130 will continue to outperform even mod katana when it comes to skilling fast and i still have some way to go.
Epic skilling JBK, huge gratz.😁
why would you need more skills at that lvl?
Fundamentally i am a space player who came skilling planetside hard (after running out of space content) to get looter profs up so i could actually hunt in space again without loosing an arm and a leg. I was hoping that by the time i was done with looter profs mindark might actually deliver some balanced content for space. This likely wont happen before UE5 anymore but then its a long way to get all looter profs to 200+ its gonna keep me busy for some years to come. Animal looter 127 atm

And yes its fun chasing other players progress in the meantime cause its a long road :D
Quite the achievement. Thanks for sharing the story as well. Always nice to get the background :)
Fundamentally i am a space player who came skilling planetside hard (after running out of space content) to get looter profs up so i could actually hunt in space again without loosing an arm and a leg. I was hoping that by the time i was done with looter profs mindark might actually deliver some balanced content for space. This likely wont happen before UE5 anymore but then its a long way to get all looter profs to 200+ its gonna keep me busy for some years to come. Animal looter 127 atm

And yes its fun chasing other players progress in the meantime cause its a long road :D
Have you noticed a big difference in return past 100+ looter?

In my brain it feels like 100 looter would be the max improvement but since its limitless I can't comprehend how good returns one could potentially get at say 200 looter. Surely they won't give over 100% TT longterm.

It's really amazing progress you've made in these two years.

What would you say your avg markup over time has been throughout since you focused on skilling mobs?
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