Question: What Changes & Improvements to ₡₹₳₣₸⟊₦₲ would you like most?

What Changes & Improvements to Crafting would you like most?

  • 1. Clean up the profession and address broken content

  • 2. Most boring profession - Make Crafting into active gameplay that is engaging & fun to do

  • 3. Remove loot waves in Crafting - make it a fixed percent chance

  • 4. Improve the UI and other quality of life improvements

  • 5. Make Crafting more intuitive

  • 6. Make the Crafting profession itself more interesting and Dynamic as you level

  • 7. Introduce some features to provide guidance to new Crafters

  • 8. Expand the new "blueprint economy"

  • 9. Free up my Avatar to go and do something else while my items are being made

  • 10. Specialized/Better Crafting Machines that are Privately owned

  • 11. Introduce Events and Prizes for Crafters

  • 12. New Blueprint Attachments

  • 13. Upgrade missions for Crafters

  • 14. Dead-end profession - Don't waste MA resources on Crafting - focus on Hunting/Mining instead

  • 15. I don't care

Results are only viewable after voting.


Dec 31, 2006
Twin Peaks mall, 2nd floor
Dirty Dingos
Avatar Name
Inherent Marxus Legends
When I started playing Entropia, I was also playing EVE Online, and in EVE, the way the game is built, is with each different activity path comes a different type of gameplay experience. For example you have a very elaborate PvP element pitting fleets of ships against one another in EVE, which revolves mostly around the Real-Time Strategy type of gameplay. Then you also have a lot of very sophisticated PVE content, solo and teams, which they capitalise on to weave lore and storylines through in an interesting way and which often offers you the opportunity to focus on specific roles you might prefer to play (the 'R' in MMORPG). Then, you have Industry which revolves mostly around arbitrage, which combined with the transport contract system adds more depth to trading in EVE. Also, you have a beautiful Exploration "side" activity where PVE gameplay collides with PvP quite a bit. Another interesting activity in EVE involves what I believe is called "Construction and Management Simulation" type of gameplay, where you have to build something with limited resources and manage it to keep it producing at optimum levels. This type of gameplay is tucked away in the Planetary Interaction system of EVE Online

TL;DR: EVE Online is an MMORPG that offers all kinds of different types of gameplay within it; Role Playing, PVE, PvP, Trading, even Management Similation...

So for some reason when I came to Entropia, I actually expected it to be designed in a very similar way where different profession paths offered different types of gameplay, I mean that's what made the most sense to me; why would every profession feel the same? So I kind of expected Mining to be sort of like "Battleship" where you're blindly trying to find resources through trial and error and keeping track so you can find "veins" or patterns and follow them. Intuitively, that is what I thought it probably would be. But after doing a test and finding out that's not what it's about at all, I was very disappointed and never really mined again.

TL;DR: I always thought Entropia should also offer different kinds of gameplay within the different profession paths, similar to how EVE Online does.

I never really started Crafting until I actually had a reason to, so I don't really remember what I was expecting, but I can tell you, I definitely expected that acheiving a higher Rate of Success would be possible, versus the current cap of somewhere around 42%. That was very disappointing to say the least. In hindsight, I still feel like Crafting as a profession is not intuitive either. And so in the end, all 3 professions are very similar at their core; there's a lot of cycling (grinding) and a lot of math involved, there's tt returns and markup, and all 3 of them sort of have their own pocket of specialized knowledge which can to some extent be leveraged in order to be 'more' successful at it. And of course MindArk tries their best to make Skills relevant within each one, to add to that success, but skills mostly act as a barrier to entry in most cases; you have to have the requesite skills to click this BP, or to use this weapon, or to mine at this depth. You could theoretically still do it, but if you have 2 brain cells you can rub together to make 1 point of IQ, and can read english, you're not going to do that, it would be too costly.

TL;DR: But it doesn't, actually all 3 professions are quite generic.

So I find myself thinking that Crafting needs to offer a more engaging type of gameplay and be somewhat fun to do, it's just too boring the way it is now. And Mining needs to make more sense and be more dynamic and interesting as a profession, it has no depth right now, pun intended.

Crafting is the profession I am most familiar with and over the many years I have been doing it, I have been thinking about different ways to expand and/or improve it, without necessarily changing the way it currently works completely. Today I decided to make the Crafting profession the subject of my next Poll. And below you will find some ideas to make Crafting in Entropia more immerssive, more fun, and more rewarding to participate in.

What Changes/Improvements to Crafting would you like most?

1. Clean up the profession and address broken content
a) Several old blueprints still floating around the game that have ingredients on them that are impossible to get now. This can be very frustrating for someone who is unaware of this issue and buys one of these BPs only to realize later it's useless. I for one have learned the hard way to check the list of ingredients first before buying a blueprint.
b) Merge all residues into one: All crafting residues' mu has been within 1-2% of each other for almost a decade now, I think it's time we just ditch the old concept and merge them all into just 1 residue to simplify things and make it a little more consistent.
c) Technician BPs still droping while Crafting; either remove from Technician or remove from loot pool.

2. Most boring profession - Make Crafting into active gameplay that is engaging & fun to do
You just stand there and watch as the machine rolls the dice for you every 4 seconds, sometimes for hours at a time. You have nothing to do but maybe browse the auction and socialize. I wish MA would figure out a way to make Crafting more fun and engaging as a profession, maybe introduce different types of machines for different things that can be operated simultaneously... Think "Construction and Management Simulation" type of gameplay where you have to setup an assembly line and intermittently come back and manage it to keep it optimized. I can imagine seperate modules having to be connected and calibrated; modules for your input materials, modules for your outputs. You could link several Component crafting machines together to make for example Simple 1/2/3/4 components; one machine feeds the other one and so on and so forth. Once your line is setup, it can be in operation for as long as the modules still have raw ingredients in them, but once 1 ingredient runs out, crafting stops. Different machines would have different output capacities and different capabilities.

Optimization of an assembly line would be an on-going thing, a long-term work in progress where different modules could each be upgraded over time, making the line more efficient. This way different Crafters could branch off and specialize and distance themselves from a casual crafter by investing in better equipment that provide better margins for what they want to specialize in.

This assembly line would have to be setup at an Estate you own which by itself would give Estates and Land Plots more utility.

Output from this production line might be a bit lower, for example it may produce components at approximately 60% the rate that current Construction Machines do. But the advantage is that production continues even if you leave to go do something else or log out, using time as a resource. And so the cost of it all represents the costs of specializing, and freeing your avatar to go do other things.

In a Crafting system such as this, you aren't standing there watching an interface and doing nothing. When you are using the interface, you are doing something; you're optimizing the setup, you're calibrating, analyzing the results, etc... When you're done, you can close the interface and go do something else while construction continues.

However the existing crafting machines would continue to be available to keep crafting accessible to everyone, and as an alternative in the event faster production is ever required. But you have to stand there while your items are being made, and these old machines, though fast, would not be as efficient as these more advanced assembly lines.

3. Remove loot waves in Crafting - make it a fixed percent chance
It can be really painful sometimes to go cycle 10k ped on Gizmo 8 hoping to find valuable BPs if you never hit a wave of BP drops. Sure eventually it will even out but that can take a long time (weeks or months) to happen and so it requires a very large bankroll, timing and too much luck really.

4. Improve the UI and other quality of life improvements
a) The UI could be improved a lot. For example, show me, at the crafting machine, the BPs I have which are boosted.
b) Make the ingredients searchable as well, for example, I could type "Narca" in the search bar and all the BPs that use Narcanisum would be shown.
c) Right now I need 4x Limited Blueprint books to fit all the ArMatrix weapon BPs, and 6x Limited Blueprint books to fit all the AP plate BPs, why not introduce some better books that would fit all this in them, or 100 slot Limited BP books?
d) I would also like to see a better "Statistics" window. Add % fails and % near success to it. Provide fields where mu of each ingredient can be added. Calculate for me what I need to sell the crafted goods for to break even on that run.

5. Make Crafting more intuitive
The first thing that comes to mind is the "Success Rate", most people assume if it says 90%, then I should be having 9 successes every 10 clicks. They are confused/disappointed when they look at results and only have ~40%. This is not intuitive. Also, increasing skills beyond a certain point does not affect results, which is also counter-intuitive. Fix Crafting so it feels more intuitive to people.

6. Make the Crafting profession itself more interesting and Dynamic as you level
After a while, the Crafting profession lacks variety and is just the same thing, no matter how high up the levels you go it's always the same formula; unlock a BP, max it, craft the item for profit, rinse and repeat (even blueprint fishing with Gizmos pretty much works like this). Arbitrage resources costs against cost of crafted components or items, it gets really boring after a while... There should be some new and interesting things to work on eventually as you come up the levels. Some new content or activity to unlock as you go.

7. Introduce some features to provide guidance to new Crafters
a) Tutoring: give an incentive for veteran Crafters to help and tutor up-and-coming Crafters (similar to mentoring system maybe). It can be daunting for new crafters to figure it all out on their own so MA should facilitate the coming together of old Crafters with new Crafters.
b) Tutorial: similar to how there is a tutorial at Thule that shows someone how to hunt and mine, make a Tutorial for Crafting which is Optional but can be started or revisited at any time, for people that want to try out Crafting. Teach people how Crafting works in this Tutorial, not just "click this button" kind of thing.

8. Expand the new "blueprint economy"
a) Gizmos gave us a whole new "blueprint economy" in the form of valuable limited blueprints that people can "fish" for at the crafting machine and then sell. But there are still some planets that don't have a functioning "blueprint economy" yet like Ark and RT. Also part of this could be to introduce some new limited blueprints to fish for, like for example new ArMatrix MindForce chips.
b) This could also include new Gizmos for Vehicles, Furniture and Tools too: We have Gizmos for Armor, Weapons and Attachments but not for Vehicles, Furniture and Tools. Personaly I don't think we are at the point where we need these yet but I guess some people would like to go "fishing" in those categories as well.

9. Free up my Avatar to go and do something else while my items are being made
MindArk has stated that they plan to make world Exploration a major part of Entropia Universe in Unreal. Crafting, in its current iteration, pins the Avatar at the machine during the whole time which is really non-optimum and which, unless changed, will mean that UE5 will mostly just benefit Miners and Hunters since they are the ones out there exploring the world. Change the crafting system in EU so it's like 'Industry' in EVE Online so things can be crafted in the background using time as a resource, while an Avatar is doing something else. There is a huge downside to this however, professional Crafters would find that their output has been severally reduced in this new crafting system as compared to right now, because this kind of construction system is designed to encourage everyone to do it as opposed to being a profession that certain players can choose to focus on exclusively, so that would completely turn Crafting over on its head for our professional Crafters. Which is why I proposed #2 above, which is sort of a hybrid between what we have now and this.

10. Specialized/Better Crafting Machines that are Privately owned
In any profession, a player should be able to invest in better tools in order to become more proficient in their activity and improve their results (returns). For Crafters, that could be better Construction Machines. There could be Machines that combine multiple QR100 BPs in order to return a greater Rate of Success (aka the Omegaton CraftMeister Mk.I), Machines that allow an Avatar to walk away while Crafting continues in the background, Machines with higher output, Machines with Buffs, Machines for blueprint fishing and Machines which increase residue production by returning only residue in near successes. You could have Tiers on these in the same way that weapons have Tiers, so you can add Enhancers and make the machine better for what you are using it for. Suddenly, people who are serious about Crafting have something they can invest in to improve their results and gain an advantage over others who aren't prepared to invest. Sort of Loot 2.0 tools for Crafting, in a way.

11. Introduce Events and Prizes for Crafters
As a professional Crafter, you have to split your time between being stuck at the crafting machine and participating in Mayhem, which is sort of pointless. Crafters should have their own Events where they can also win prizes. When you think about it, they can and do turnover just as much PED as pro hunters do sometimes; Gizmo 8 is almost 5k PED/hour turnover.

12. New Blueprint Attachments
a) QR Booster attachments that add 5-15 points to your BP's current QR, and boost the rate of increase.
b) A BP attachment that increases the machine Success Rate (avg tt returned) on non-SIB Metal, Mechanical or Electronic BP by 1-2%. Attaching it to a BP would cost some small amount of decay but would thereafter provide you slightly better tt returns while using it at the Crafting machine.

13. Upgrade missions for Crafters
For instance, it should be possible to visit any Technician and upgrade your QR100 component BPs to Adj, Imp, Mod, Aug and Perf. Example: your Basic Sheet Metal BP reaches QR100, you go to the Technician and have it upgraded to a Basic Sheet Metal Blueprint Adjusted which now starts at QR 1.0 again. Once you have it up at QR100, you can bring it back and have it upgraded to the Improved version, and so on. Benefits of the upgraded BPs could be as follows:

Basic Sheet Metal blueprint: 1 Narcanisum Ingot - 1 Alicenies Gel = 100% Basic Sheet Metal produced per click
BSM BP Adjusted: 1 Narcanisum + 1 Alicenies + 0.034 Shrapnel = 110% Basic Sheet Metal produced per click + 5% Skill gain buff
BSM BP Improved: 1 Narcanisum + 1 Alicenies + 0.068 Shrapnel = 120% Basic Sheet Metal produced per click + 10% Skill gain buff
BSM BP Modified: 1 Narcanisum + 1 Alicenies + 0.119 Shrapnel = 135% Basic Sheet Metal produced per click + 15% Skill gain buff
BSM BP Augmented: 1 Narcanisum + 1 Alicenies + 0.204 Shrapnel = 160% Basic Sheet Metal produced per click + 20% Skill gain buff
BSM BP Perfected: 1 Narcanisum + 1 Alicenies + 0.34 Shrapnel = 200% Basic Sheet Metal produced per click + 30% Skill gain buff

In case the above is confusing let me explain. If my memory serves, BSM bp gets you about 9 plates per success. If you increase the tt of input mats, you will get more plates per success. For example, if you add 0.17 PED of Shrap, you increase the tt of the input mats by 50%. meaning that on a success, you will get approximately 50% more plates. So what these upgraded BPs do is produce components at a much faster rate then the regular BP, at a reduced cost since the added ingredient has very little mu.

This is just an example, exact balancing and costs for upgrades are obviously up to MA to figure out.

14. Dead-end profession - Don't waste MA resources on Crafting - focus on Hunting/Mining instead
Crafting is fine the way it is. Crafters are making money doing it otherwise they wouldn't do it and that's the way it should be so don't waste any time trying to change it or make it better, the time and resources will be better spent working on actual professions like Hunting and Mining.

15. I don't care

1. You can select as many as you want
2. Your votes are public
3. You can change your votes later if you realize you made a mistake
4. This Poll will never close
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I generally start on the what's new page and go down as far as my last online time. Once again I have initially missed a poll of yours, so bumping without having read it yet... will do it now though... :)
Ouch, lotta reading, lotta thinking ... usable brain output (my brain) - close to zero. I broadly agree with your ideas, but find it hard to tick or not tick individual points. Even the essence of #14, which is to leave things as they are, except that doesn't mean to me that crafting is a dead-end profession. I can't use the higher level bps at effective output rates yet even if they have a higher qr, which is rare to even get to look at due to rarity on the AH. The 'dead end' could be fairly simply extended with higher bp levels even further out of my personal reach if some people are 'maxed'.

I think I'd prefer to leave each quantum cat neither ticked nor unticked. The level of investment MA would have to make varies enormously depending on the level of overhaul. I do wish for some streamlining and the ability to set tasks and do other things, but could I even set tasks whilst travelling in space, for example? What would the 'reach' of 'smart crafting' be?
It's a big field, but also the only one where you know what output to expect, one material or item, unlike hunting and mining where what one gets is a mix. We get some of the input back currently, but I'm not counting that as unknown.
Specifically I would like to see longer chains and not just the use of a few mats to make whatever vehicle, for example. But I think it would have to be for entirely new content not already in game. I do think a zero tt material (nanocubes) needs to be kept for balancing some costs that cannot be covered by boosting to max tt via res, for example in material chains themselves along the chain.

Good luck to others here as well ...
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I guess I should've known it would be hard to get people interested in Crafting... Well I guess that's the whole point isn't it
i like crafting from time to time, but its not something i'm doing fulltime. that being said the main part i would like to see change is that older bp's still would be usefull. so many bp's and loots thats TT food. instead of creating allways new loot / bp's to craft they could reuse older ones.
clean up bp's in eu5.

maybe for event they could create something like crafting shops ( like an LA but then for crafting ). owner can put crafting machines in it tax it for i dont konw certain items craftet and make events for crafters. but they have xx% more chance of succes when crafting there for that item.
I guess I should've known it would be hard to get people interested in Crafting... Well I guess that's the whole point isn't it
I was going to yesterday put a load ideas up but just thought what's the point. I just voted. Bring on ep5 and 1k ped shrapnel rolls.

Dam I'm sounding toxic now 🤣. Point is with crafting you got to be able to make stuff people want without effecting ul owners but also at least in my perspective following ma business model or at least my view on it in terms why they implemented loot 2.0 why they introduced ep blueprint and couple other things.

You got multiple lines same thing from different PPS with a different skin attached that over the years are now not used because better items or mu is to high compared to similar gun drop from mob.

Broken blueprints from times of past you can no longer get materials for.

If you change something in crafting it most likely break something else or if you try to correct it later someone gets burned money wise.

If you hold a crafting event it will turn into a right pr disaster if it involves ep or shrapnel style blueprints (talking in ped terms) can almost see the headline now in some gaming news website. If it used materials they would run out in minutes and you get price fixing on the auction or create unfair advantage to select few that happen to have large qtys.

Large sections crafting is a complete mess not an easy fix without fixing other areas and creating demand and movement in market and ofc following their business model or at least my view of it.

I must admit I don't envy them on this.
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I really want to have a queue on craft and put multiple components at once not do one for 7-8 hours just to save time when i sleep lol
We know that MA has severely capped some bp output by requiring a mat which is very rare, but sometimes the mat is no longer available at all, as mentioned. On top of that, even if there is still a slow flow, the capping mat may not be unique to that bp and there is one bp somewhere for which a high mu on the mat is still worthwhile. When comparing the crafting cost and the desirability of the result, loads of items (even mats), are simply expensive tt food.
Of course, any complex set of equipment will have a spread of cost:benefit ratios, leaving some stuff as craftable but ensellable even at a low mu. Some bps may still be useful as skiller bps for a profession, but with the tt machine your 100% friend. Loads of bps remain useless, though.

One way around this is to use items in upgrading, which is partly happening, another way is to channel valued bp drops to certain bps, which is also partly happening, but virtually nobody wants to find out on many many bps, I think, due to the high risk of costs but no good bp drop being possibly bad luck, but more likely zero chance. Players simply don't know what paths may pay off even in theory.

I could suggest the dropping of blank bp fragments, or even specific bp frags, at 1/10th of a click, or 1/50th of a pec for an unlimited bp. Through trial and error, players could at least quickly see what is in the lootpool for any otherwise useless bp. The frags would be tradeable and bring in much needed mu that the crafting result itself does not.
Potentially, blanks could be used to increase the qr ratings of any unl bp, which may open up a path for all to craft away on stuff and sell general qr, not just on the bp used. Higher crafting levels my require their own blanks, in the same style as already common with component levels. edit: I realise the qr system isn't linear, but MA could make the blanks non-linear like adding skills from implants if they wish...

This is something MA could implement fairly easily I believe.
So, clean up the bps and their mats overall please, allow us to refine multiple (L) items into one tt max, or even above?, and add something such as fragments so that all bps can compete via market mus to be worth clicking.
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I want to say from all crafting professions the attachment crafting require most Residue. For 1 year the EP4 crafting slowed down drastic, we had periods with residue at 103%, i have days when i cant craft amps because the residue is to slow.

So i feel like Mindark need to do a change and what it might work is if we start using shrapnel for craft.
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Make explosive bps use shrapnel.

The end
Make explosive bps use shrapnel.

The end

It wont fix anything lol and this is not about weapons without shrap use, its all about pure crafting atm.
Make explosive bps use shrapnel.

The end

Well, couple things, #1, if this is about Nanocubes and your objection to them, this isn't really a crafter "issue", it's only an issue for hunters and miners who believe it is the cause of mu collapse.

#2, Crafting is much more than just a slot machine for hunters, it's a full-fledged profession with acts as the source for many very useful items such as Perseus armor, 5B armor plates and all the limited ArMatrix weapons, as well as all vehicles for example. "gambling" or hof "fishing" using Nanocubes and an EP4 bp is just an example of using something for another purpose than what it was designed for and I feel like talking only about EP4 and Nanocubes reduces Crafting down to just this one small part, and blocks any attempt made at having an intelligent conversation about Crafting.
None of the above i would like MA to make crafting more efficient. You get skills that benefit mining and hunting that increase your return i would like to have skills that allow you to increase sucess chance and the yeld when crafting components !
None of the above i would like MA to make crafting more efficient. You get skills that benefit mining and hunting that increase your return i would like to have skills that allow you to increase sucess chance and the yeld when crafting components !

You want more success buy 100 QR bps. 42% on 95SR is decent imo
None of the above i would like MA to make crafting more efficient. You get skills that benefit mining and hunting that increase your return i would like to have skills that allow you to increase sucess chance and the yeld when crafting components !

I think that you are dismissing the above too quickly because if you take the time to study some of these points, you would see that many of them do indeed deal with this notion, in interesting ways.

You say you want to be able to increase yield and success chance. There are several ways I proposed to do exactly that. The most obvious one is:

10. Specialized/Better Crafting Machines that are Privately owned
There could be Machines that combine multiple QR100 BPs in order to return a greater Rate of Success (aka the Omegaton CraftMeister Mk.I), ...etc

The issue with raising success chance and yields is, how are you going to do that? Are you going to change the Crafting loot system? How is that going to be better? We'll all be on the same level and it'll just flood the auction with more crafted items faster so I don't see how that could be of any benefit to us all.

The obvious challenge is how to balance it, without making it impossible for new players to enter and be able to carve themself a piece of the market without being disruptive and without it costing them too much.

So I've come up with ways where people can work and invest towards these better yields and better success chance, without making it impossible for others to still have a piece of the market.

Another example is the Upgrade Missions for Crafters that I mentionned in #13. With the right balancing, it could give some crafters a slight edge, without disrupting all of crafting. For example it might make sense for me to do the upgrades on a BSM blueprint cause I go through tons of them since I have Armor shops and make a lot of AP plates. But for others, it might not be a good investment. Also, it gives everyone's QR100 BSM blueprints much more value btw, and actually would cause more cycling to be done there and create opportunities for many people if such an upgrade mission was released. Same for Basic Sensor, Standard Plate and possibly Durable Hood. Surely, the markup on Garcen, Narca and Belkar would rise after such a release, which creates opportunities for miners as well.

And even if, after due consideration, you still don't like either of these suggestions, you could still pick "5. Make Crafting more intuitive" because I believe the issue you speak of regarding the success chance is related to the fact that the way it is now, is not intuitive, as I explained there.
Only issue I have with making crafting more efficient is someone right now on his own especially if he or she owns shops and shop keepers could produce enough products to supply the market on their own!. Limited auction slots limit this to certain extent and one account rule.

Not to mention if crafting is more efficient it means less resources being used.
which means more people waiting on their stuff to sell and less money for ma because crafter's are not cycling as much.

Hunters waiting on loot to sell if it doesn't tt it which means mu completely gone.

Would you like more shrapnel in your loot and less resources to cover this???
How would this effect the pros? Would it turn into hunting or mining during loot waves and be inactive rest time?

Then you have to contend with selling your crafting produce. If it isn't amps certain guns during mm few other things because everyone uses ul guns and armour.

I did think about it a bit and without massive redesign balancing the only area which could flow nicely would be mining. i did come up with a few ideas for this but it all comes down to balancing/designing it in such a way it creates movement in the market but not a massive increase in cost to play and outflows.
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Only issue I have with making crafting more efficient is someone right now on his own especially if he or she owns shops and shop keepers could produce enough products to supply the market on their own!. Limited auction slots limit this to certain extent and one account rule.

Not to mention if crafting is more efficient it means less resources being used.
which means more people waiting on their stuff to sell and less money for ma because crafter's are not cycling as much.

Hunters waiting on loot to sell if it doesn't tt it which means mu completely gone.

Would you like more shrapnel in your loot and less resources to cover this???
How would this effect the pros? Would it turn into hunting or mining during loot waves and be inactive rest time?

Then you have to contend with selling your crafting produce. If it isn't amps certain guns during mm few other things because everyone uses ul guns and armour.

I did think about it a bit and without massive redesign balancing the only area which could flow nicely would be mining. i did come up with a few ideas for this but it all comes down to balancing/designing it in such a way it creates movement in the market but not a massive increase in cost to play and outflows.

Yes I completely understand and this is the primary rationale for reducing output by 40% in #2 above where several of these ideas were combined together. The improved efficiency there comes with the trade-off that overall output is slowed down significantly, specificaly to address this point that we shouldn't be handing over the entire market of crafted components to just one or 2 crafters, but rather, just offer some new strategies for people willing to invest further into their main profession.
Yes I completely understand and this is the primary rationale for reducing output by 40% in #2 above where several of these ideas were combined together. The improved efficiency there comes with the trade-off that overall output is slowed down significantly, specificaly to address this point that we shouldn't be handing over the entire market of crafted components to just one or 2 crafters, but rather, just offer some new strategies for people willing to invest further into their main profession.
Thing is it would need to be designed in such a way that it still allows progression new characters coming up the ranks (should be a cost to this) and not behind an item ie improved crafting machine ul as this would create what you said 2 crafter's running the market eventually.

Then you got the issue ma and money would they want to introduce such a design and lose money because your not cycling as much?

Gives me such a headache this I can see why they left it for years.
Thing is it would need to be designed in such a way that it still allows progression new characters coming up the ranks (should be a cost to this) and not behind an item ie improved crafting machine ul as this would create what you said 2 crafter's running the market eventually.

Then you got the issue ma and money would they want to introduce such a design and lose money because your not cycling as much?

Gives me such a headache this I can see why they left it for years.

It's MAs job to balance it right if the idea has any merit and is to be implemented, so as such, I don't feel it's worth my time to try to figure this out myself and therefore am not going to spend much time dwelling on that.

But to be clear, the BP upgrades just lengthen the process for maxing out any particular BP, they don't really do much else. Right now, maxing out a BP is pretty quick actually; most of the cost involved with that is in the first few thousand clicks of that BP where the SR curve is the steepest, then it flattens out and after 10-12k clicks doesn't make much difference. The "costs" involved with that are then trapped in the QR of that BP.

The upgrades (Adjusted, Improved, etc...) just lengthen this process from new BP to maxed BP, because after reaching QR100, it's not yet over, you upgrade to an Adjusted version and then keep going. The "costs" involved will be trapped in the BPs themselves.

If it's balanced properly, it won't be disruptive in any way, but as I said, that's MAs job, not mine.

The Construction Machines just allow MA to play around with other parameters without having to change the loot system, like for example by going from the current 820 clicks per hour, down to say 350 clicks per hour on some machines. You wouldn't be able to selectively change this without it affecting everybody, so that's the reason for introducing new machines.
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So far, the top 5 are:

1. Clean up the profession and address broken content

3. Remove loot waves in Crafting - make it a fixed percent chance

13. Upgrade missions for Crafters

11. Introduce Events and Prizes for Crafters

8. Expand the new "blueprint economy"
Some really nice ideas floating around in this thread, the assembly line idea particularly stands out to me as a fan of automation games such as factorio and modded Minecraft.

My main gripe is similar across the three professions - the fun part (at least to myself) is figuring out the market, choosing what to hunt/craft/mine and seeing the results of that after you have cycled x amount of PED. The actual gameplay during the cycle is mindless, whether it's mashing the F key or leaving your avatar crafting away for hours.
My main gripe is similar across the three professions - the fun part (at least to myself) is figuring out the market, choosing what to hunt/craft/mine and seeing the results of that after you have cycled x amount of PED. The actual gameplay during the cycle is mindless, whether it's mashing the F key or leaving your avatar crafting away for hours.

Yes that is also my main complaint with Entropia; the actual gameplay is mind numbingly boring, I feel like I'm wasting my life...

I guess I could have started with Hunting, which has essentially the same problem (F key mashing is soooo boring after a while), but I thought when it comes to crafting, it's even worse because you just stand there staring at an interface and have absolutely NOTHING to do.

Anyway, yes, you're right, this is a problem across all 3 professions for sure. Gameplay needs to be more interesting and entertaining.

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1.Game needs to do some rebalancing on healing mindforce chips and life stealing.
2. Game needs a renting system and the ability to subrent vendos spots in shops - shop owner remains the original owner he issues a license for someone to place a trader - ped automatically withdrawn from ped card = no colateral needed.
Same things for equipment will eliminate need for large colaterals.
3. Remake the crafting system as it is unlike hunting and mining there are no skills that increase your crafting sucess chance about 45% - realisticly arround 43%.
4. Game also needs to revisit how hunting in mining wokrs and the loot scales - some might agree some won't but the fact that less and less people play the game each year affects the game economy . Unreal engine 5 is a step in the right direction but just that wont be sufficienct to keep new players that come see the game because quite frankly for some it's too much which exclude a large portion of players to play - unlike other games where everyone play but best stuff cost a lot :)
EVE online wise i play EVE for as long as i play entropia i wouldn't say eve is the best example of crafting but EVE economy works better because everyone can play the game and participate in all activities game has to offer but you can do it without watching your credit card at every step . If you don't want to grind you can take a shortcut buy skils ingame currency and boost learning of skills - and that is how the developers of EVE make money there will always be a players who have too much to do IRL and prefer to skip grinding or have big credit cards ( nothing wrong with that )
Votes please