Cyrene Event - Imperium Snow Base


Feb 2, 2011
Salt Lake City, USA
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Rachel MsPudding Hawkins
I've been grinding this event the past 12+ hours, and to be honest, the loot is underwhelming. I've looted 8 skill juice in 14 hours, which seems fairly bad. I was hoping for at least a better drop rate on the juice. If there were (L) weapons or even UL drops that would be fantastic.

I've read the Cyrene devs want to host this event multiple times a year. Just an idea: perhaps introducing tokens next time that could be traded into a vendor could make a lot of sense for that frequent format.

I have been disappointed with the juice drop rates thus far. Which is a real shame, because originally I planned to come grind this event hardcore the entire time! Now, I'm not so sure. Maybe the drop rate of skill juice can be increased? I'm just losing motivation, and I thought I would voice it before I just dipped and quit the event.

I also wondered if I felt this way that maybe there were others feeling the same discouragement.

Creating events is a lot of work, and you can tell the Cyrene devs put a ton of work into making this. All this event really needs is a little tweaking. I'm not trying to be negative, there's a lot of positive work that went into this to celebrate.

The instance has been nicely set up! It's quick and easy to find the Gen you want to hunt, very intuitive. That's great, I really like the hunting setup. It was also very easy to warp down into the event and get started. I like that I didn't have to do some long mission chain to get shooting. The concept of skill juice is a good one, it just seems the drop rate has been poorly executed. The mob itself is cool to hunt, I like the fierce looking gatling gun arms and foot stomps. Honestly, with a few minor changes this event becomes pretty awesome. The setup is great! Kudos to the Cyrene team for their work here.

Question for the Cyrene devs: is it possible to loot TWEN items on these event mobs?

In the ad it said: "Planet Cyrene's first ever tradable skill pills (skill juice) and more..." What is the "more?" Has anyone looted any (L) items or UL items? I'm not trying to be snarky; I'm genuinely curious.

How has everyone elses experience been?
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The problem with Mindark using this shitty ass wave system and their poor ass loot design (redundancy of speech I know) is that you get this result. The reason for #cyrenegate2 recently is because these elements were supposed to drop (and have dropped a few today) in the instance. Skill juice should have been more widely distributed - such as the 10% 1h pills dropping more often on all gens so that you felt like you were getting more for your time instead of it being gen heavy with the juice. BUT that also means that the more valued juice pills rarely drop and so you are left with nothing.

Then there is the TT gains and loots - and some oddities I have noticed. It's just ass. I don't fault Cyrene for this. It's like depending on someone who continually lets you down to perform a critical piece of your business - but you can't do anything about it because you have no agency to do it yourself or have a different option.

This was the single largest loss in hunting (with high looter and high eff at that) in my entire Entropia career of any mob and it makes me wonder.
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and more.. of you peds in our pockets )))

p.s. 9k ped spent with -1300ped after mu (77 eff, rings, 45 robo looter)
and got Juice 100% 1h x1, 100% 5h x1, 30% 5h x2
I don't fault Cyrene for this. It's like depending on someone who continually lets you down to perform a critical piece of your business
This has been on my radar with regard to planet partners for donkey's years. Absolutely stuffed in virtually an abusive one-sided relationship. It's one of the reasons I have sympathy for rather sly stuff regularly 'smuggled' through MA vetting and into active release by especially one pp over the years, in my opinion.
This event looks well designed. I like the access, the mini-tele-transporters, the range of mob levels and the layout. But of course, we are also there for the loot, which has been terrible for me today. I did manage about one juice per hour, at times that did not seem wave-related. I seem to remember some other event where it looked as if those damned waves had been adjusted to something like around 8 mins +- for special loot, but I don't remember which, and I've not done enough of this event to definitively see the ranges.
I may try again tomorrow, but my looter prof for these at just 31 is still not in itself a reason for only 77% returns today, including a couple of globals even. I assume volatility has been set higher than usual, so we are mostly going to lose more than usual. Yes, what is the special 'more' than the juices? What have others been getting?
I'm close to leaving the event behind me, but not the planet right now. It has made important improvements finally and has improved its communication massively. I would like to support that more...
i remembered the "Gold Rush" on Ark, where i got 110 1 hour skill pills in 3 day,
but as i logged in and some mates told me 1 2 pill in 4 hours i put this event in my ignore list
The entire loot pool of skill pills got emptied out in the first 5 minutes of the event and now they're barely dropping because of our wonderful wave system. Really sucks for the Cyrene devs because you can tell there was a lot of thought put into this event, but it's sadly not worth doing because MA :confused:
stop pointing the finger on Cyrene dev team,

- do u like the concept? it's cyrene
- do u like the tradable pills? it's cyrene
- do u like the content? it's cyrene
- u dont like the meta being locked? that's MA ( btw... that's a bug )
- u dont like the wave system? that's MA
- u dont like the drop rate? that's MA ( as it was always for that planet, humiliated to the core, for more than once from central decidents........... i.e. the perfected imperium is one fking set in 2 years and the stats are a bit under the PoE TWEN where 2 full sets droped in a month and the second pair is on the way, not to mention the fact that NI/AG has already several Perfected Gorgons...)..( tho in this case might be a bug, we will see that)
- u dont like the abundance of shrap in loot? that's MA
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stop pointing the finger on Cyrene dev team,

- u dont like the meta being locked? that's MA ( btw... that's a bug )
If that is a confirmed bug and we will get Meta-Codex I am gonna try to get to Repeat 1 before the event ends. My new gun is hella fun to shoot.

and more..." What is the "more?" .... I'm genuinely curious.
Renegade Components drop rate is quite improved on those new Mechs ( so far )
Renegade Components drop rate is quite improved on those new Mechs ( so far )
That's good! Hopefully there's more to come 🤞. I haven't given up yet, I'm still out there grinding. 😊
Love the idea of tradeable, farmable skill pills but glad I skipped the event. Sad the PP's are at MA's mercy. TBH sounds like everyone would have been better off just opening boxes for skill pills. Yes you would have to depo vs using PED already in game but $ for $ sounds like boxes would have been the better option. Sad. Especially since the dev team probably did work really hard on this.
I wanted to post an update that it seems to me the juice drop rate was significantly increased. It's great to see more juice! 🧃 I'm still out there grinding!

So far its been an interesting event for me aside from being locked out after the first 6 hour instance. It resolved for me last night and I was able to jump back in. The skill juice drops seemed to uptick but I haven't seen any other new loot. I hope MA gets the meta codex worked out. I thought this might be an avenue for some TWEN specific items to pop up in loot but I haven't seen anything. Has there been any TWEN drops on Cyrene? Maybe that is down the road once they get the bugs worked out of this event. Lupine 7 seems bugged as well, not sure if there are other Mecha with this issue or its just specific to this gen. They also don't seem to have the walk cycle on the new mobs worked out. I figure this is just a first pass test and then things will be ironed out.

I haven't been to Cyrene in a very long time so I am just enjoying the overall planet and mob design. Still trying to figure out the nuance of some of the things they implemented since my last visit many many moons ago.

I think all the PPs would get more love if things were a bit more integrated and streamlined in terms of economy and space travel. So far I am liking Monria, Arkadia, and Cyrene. Next up on my grand tour is NI, Tulan, and space mobs but I might have to wait for a warp capable ship before checking those things out.
Yes. Sollomate Oppolo twen from 80hp mob. And I believe a drop from mech was their planet specific drop and then I think fleshripper dropped a twen item as well.

Thanks Angela (y)
Who is pointing at cyrene Dev team? :unsure:
robber knows, he knows them all, he's active, redundant and present in the universe, u can ask him all u need to know about the game from mechanics to little details, he owes the data, forget about CharGPT
Truly a great loot distribution system, just ask for more loot and you get it! I now see why my returns have been the way they have(There was once a time when I killed over 32,000 mobs in a row without a global in my tracking) its because I never just asked the devs directly for "more loot plz!" /s

The loot system is beyond a joke at this point. Many players waste time and money while drop rates are severely lowered only for the switch to be flipped at the right moment for certain parties to take it all.
Since I was the one to come here and voice my frustration with the loot drops, I figured it was only fair that I come back to the thread and notify others that it seemed things had been corrected. I could have just said nothing, stayed quiet, and let the rest figure it out on their own. But, I didn't feel that was fair. If I'm going to share the frustration publicly, I better be willing to share the satisfaction publicly as well.

Those grinding the event know that the returns and juice drop rate felt very broken at the start, I had a lot of friends PM'ing me telling me they were leaving. Something was definitely off at the start.

The drop rate just got adjusted recently, and there's a lot of time left in this event. If you're not on Cyrene already, come up and get some juice 🧃 you'll loot it quite easily.

Event fun, mob hits pretty hard with various damage type

Loot table is shitty, I got 1 pills and 1 component tier when lootpool refilled, was cleared in 30s, I left the instance.

I think we already pointed where the problem is. Not cyrene, just the awsome loot 2.0 algo. Another proof that EFF DPP and all the datas are just BS with loot2.0 .

Game is less and less attractive. I think MA doesnt care anymore about pleasing their players. Greedy lazy devs.. Too bad I used to love this game.
robber knows, he knows them all, he's active, redundant and present in the universe, u can ask him all u need to know about the game from mechanics to little details, he owes the data, forget about CharGPT
can you @ me next time Almoust missed your love letter :)
i cant complain , drop rate is great , tt return is bad but ok thats my robot looter skill
can you @ me next time Almoust missed your love letter :)

i m not the one with the hammer here, u can go to him, u2 are a great pair as i hear lol
Also got more juices on the last run, but most non-multis were still on the low side, so if that is representative and not an outlier (again?), you'll need to global better to balance it out. I feel it's worth continuing based on that last run, but who knows what the vu might change...
Thanks Cyrene, by the way.
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I still can't get any Juice lol. Or is it changed back to how it was in the beginning?