Recent content by Batman8249

  1. B

    what blueprint books do I get to make things from the items I get from hunting only?

    what blueprint books do I get to make things from the items I get from hunting only?
  2. B

    how do I know how much to sell items for on the planet calypso auction house?

    how do I know how much to sell items for on the planet calypso auction house?
  3. B

    can I sell items I get from hunting to the mall in planet calypso?

    can I sell items I get from hunting to the mall in planet calypso?
  4. B

    can I sell my items I get from hunting in planet calypso to the trade terminal and still make profit?

    can I sell my items I get from hunting in planet calypso to the trade terminal and still make profit?
  5. B

    it saids I already max out my 30 day credit card deposit limit can someone help me

    it saids I already max out my 30 day deposit limit to planet calypso and I need to put a eight-digit verification code found on my credit card statement I should be able to deposit as much money as I want to without worrying about waiting for my credit card statement to put the eight-digit code...
  6. B

    how do I transfer my character from planet calypso to new lsland?

    how do I transfer my character from planet calypso to new island?