Recent content by Devon

  1. Devon

    MA's New Years Resolution

    I really don't see the problem of having a discussion about the same topic in a new thread. Yes, maybe the same points will be made but by different people and probably with a slightly different slant. To my mind it is worse to revieve old threads, the contributiors to which might be long gone...
  2. Devon

    MA's New Years Resolution

    And so is this forum and your userbase Mindbuster. Yes the same topics will come up for discussion again and again, but different people will wish to put their views forward. If you're bored with the discussions close the forum.
  3. Devon

    MA's New Years Resolution

    People talk about MAs profit from decay, but actually MA profit from deposits being higher than withdrawals, and indeed that is how it is shown in their accounts. My loot has been very bad over the last week or two, to the point where I have to decide to deposit or quit. At the moment, quit...
  4. Devon

    Loot Distribution - How a programmer would do it

    I can only say that, as PE is unregulated, if I were a businesswoman I would manage people's loots individually to make sure they stayed 'hooked' and deposited regularly. Sure it takes peoplepower, but balance that against the returns... (for MA that is) And if that theory is too labour...
  5. Devon

    Club NEVERDIE Apartment Sales office Established

    Those prices are a complete and utter joke. To be honest I think if Neverdie wants his money back that badly he should just sell the whole resort to another player right now.
  6. Devon

    100ped Feff global + 3k rifle

    Gratz! Although from the thread title I thought you'd maybe got a rifle worth 3k peds in your 100 ped global :) Think maybe you'd have preferred that!
  7. Devon

    Stuttering sound in this VU

    I reported this as a bug to support and have just had a reply confirming that it is a bug and they are working on a fix.
  8. Devon

    The only good drone...

    is a dead drone! (especially when he's carrying a Justifier MkII :) ) Click to enlarge
  9. Drone 01 global with MkII

    Drone 01 global with MkII

  10. Devon

    What to skill on now?

    Basic tubes is a good level 1 BP to skill on... 1 lyst 1 melchi and as it's a metal bp it gives metallergy which is listed as mining skill (although goodness knows what it does!) and crafting metal components is the only way to get this.
  11. Devon

    just something to think about when pricing flights :)

    Where does the ped that MA get (used oil and decay) from spaceflights go? Does it go into the loot pool? Or does it disappear from the economy? Personally, I think MA have made visiting the space resort about twice as expensive as it should be and it is going to be a big barrier to growth of...
  12. Devon

    Ticket system for flight to work in conjunction with the current system.

    Oops sorry, I voted before noticing it said 'hangar owners only'... :hammer: The day I have enough ped to own a hangar is a very long way away!
  13. Devon

    Stuttering sound in this VU

    Before I report this as a bug I just wanted to know if others are suffering from some stuttering sound effects in this VU? It is most noticable with other people's weapons fire particularly BLP which now sounds like a strangled series of pops. My sound was perfect before the VU, I haven't...
  14. Devon

    Simple poll about club never die

    Really, trying to be coy about the mob is a bit silly when it's there for all to see on the HoF list.... Dasp... ;) Anyway as regards the resort I was one of the first to go up as I always like to see the new stuff, but after a few hours I was glad to get back to Calypso. Even though I made a...
  15. Devon

    Thank you kindly MindArk for your nice gifts

    So, there are now 3 classes of player... the 1 prezzie, the 2 prezzie and the 3 prezzie... I seem to be a 3 prezzie person, I think that must mean I've spent too much on this game! But thanks anyway MA ;)