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  • i'm sorry you seem to feel the need to neg rep someone just because they were talking about a problem they had with the server. Shame on you.
    interesting comment you put on my account. But if i simply try to adapt (that's what am doing every days before this thread), it will just be a passive attitude to let things where they are. Just trying to make things move.
    Im sorry you feel the need to neg rep me but no.. im happy with the amount of ped i recieved.. it simply saddens me that he had to lie and cheat so much. GLHF :)
    Ty 4 +rep. lol. you also give me laughs. Maybe you and me do not share the same friends. However, If there is more money in the game, the loot at general will be better for us. But if you put a pool about that in EF you will see is not correct.
    I have seen that loot effect after not depositing too. I think it relates to the more PED burned get some returned theory. True though no simple or easy answers!
    Hmm... ditt nick här på ef ser bekant ut... inte ere du som heter ungefär så i ... det andra spelet? :)
    you'd better use neg-rep for bad behaviour on forum, not when you read opinions you disagree.
    well, it was the orignal purpose of reps.
    tjenare! jasså det är dax för kryssning igen :) jag ska kika upp om det funkar för jag är inte riktigt säker om det passa så bra
    Så har man då till slut reggat ett konto här då...
    Jag kommer på träffen i slutet av augusti, antagligen bara lördagen...
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