Recent content by Jabs

  1. J

    Warning to all Windows Vista users !!!

    I've been running Vista for just about 6 months, and (after turning off User Account Control - which is simply intrusive "security" that just begs the user to stop READING the warnings, and just click "OK", thereby actually *lowering* the amount of security they have), I haven't had any...
  2. J

    Entropia Universe Security: Buy a Gold Card

    "What is the Gold Card and how does it work?" would be excellent additions to the first post. Also, a VERY good reason to enhance the security on your account is that once you've activated a card with EU, your REAL LIFE FUNDS can be accessed from YOUR AVATAR. Surely it would be a rude...
  3. J

    nooob hof third day in-world. Me... "Hmm... I think I'll give this mining thing a try..." *Buys Ore/Enmatter Finders and extractors and refiners from TT* *Heads about 150m outside Atlas Haven* *Activates Finder* "You find a level XI Deposit" :jawdrop: