Few Scars Oct 4, 2010 Dude! AWOL since 07-23-10...hope all well in RL? As soon as you are back PM me regarding those Trooper BPs! Cheers Bjorn
Dude! AWOL since 07-23-10...hope all well in RL? As soon as you are back PM me regarding those Trooper BPs! Cheers Bjorn
doitordontdoit Aug 16, 2010 Hey m8! ltns, I hardly see you lately, just bad timing on my end? Hope all is well, m8! Ossi!
DanielleYourMom May 1, 2010 hey =) cool pics/links in that thread !! I wanna know how to do those searches !
S S Seth Aumar Apr 24, 2010 Thank you so much for the EFD John! Not sure what to do with it, but more is always better or so I've heard! -Seth Aumar
Thank you so much for the EFD John! Not sure what to do with it, but more is always better or so I've heard! -Seth Aumar
Lireta Oct 7, 2009 LOL!!!! its official.....ur awesome! love my disturbed 'lily'...i'll have to think of another, more difficult challenge for u lily
LOL!!!! its official.....ur awesome! love my disturbed 'lily'...i'll have to think of another, more difficult challenge for u lily
Xzion Sep 13, 2009 That person is pretty active as far as i remeber with selling and trading? Im a bit suprised that such a person would well... do something like that. Not to mention sad.
That person is pretty active as far as i remeber with selling and trading? Im a bit suprised that such a person would well... do something like that. Not to mention sad.
Xzion Sep 13, 2009 http://www.entropiaforum.com/forums/general-discussion/164188-person-backing-out-already-agreed-deal-2.html#post2068674 What person are you refering to there, just since i do a lot of buying it is good to know ^^
http://www.entropiaforum.com/forums/general-discussion/164188-person-backing-out-already-agreed-deal-2.html#post2068674 What person are you refering to there, just since i do a lot of buying it is good to know ^^
Lireta Sep 3, 2009 love the piccy of the hounds new lair it reminds me of the entrance to the ....'paths of the dead'...(yes, i love 'Lord of the rings') lily
love the piccy of the hounds new lair it reminds me of the entrance to the ....'paths of the dead'...(yes, i love 'Lord of the rings') lily
Aries Aug 2, 2009 I've been hunting argos like crazy!!!!!! where have YOU been Mister >.> anyways I'm getting online now you too log on!
I've been hunting argos like crazy!!!!!! where have YOU been Mister >.> anyways I'm getting online now you too log on!
Lireta Jul 29, 2009 thx for the link! it was good to read lol..if i wasn't dedicated to TDO.....i might be tempted to join the hounds lily
thx for the link! it was good to read lol..if i wasn't dedicated to TDO.....i might be tempted to join the hounds lily
Lireta Jul 27, 2009 hhmmm in order to get to know u lot better..have joined TDO vs TGH its an eyeopener!! lily