Recent content by Kango

  1. Kango

    Version Update 10.0.7 Content List

    It is small, but anoying bug: Login screen - field "Name" has no focus and you have to click on it to be able to write. (Windows Vista Ultimate) Missing sounds: - avatar got hit and critical hit - crafting process sounds(it´s so slow and boring now)
  2. Kango

    Entropia status 09-04-25

    No, Ma servers are (L) too! :laugh:
  3. Kango

    Entropia status 09-04-25

    Thx for info. :locked::locked::locked:
  4. Kango

    Buying: Salamander (M) parts

    bumpity bumpy bump
  5. Kango

    Buying: Salamander (M) parts

    Hi, I am looking for Salamander (M) parts to complete my set: arm guards shin guards thigh guards gloves foot guards Please, make offers here or by pm.
  6. Kango

    Top 15 ALL TIME HIGH for Every Mob

    Gradivore 1444 PED HOF Hi, this is my new one: Gradivore ... 1444 PEDs
  7. Gradivore 1441 PED HOF

    Gradivore 1441 PED HOF

  8. Kango

    My first HOF

    Big Congrats! :yay: :beerchug: :yay:
  9. Kango

    Question about ME

    One little advice: Refine big quantities, not small ... decoy of refiner.
  10. Kango

    skill progress vs. mob kind

    Is there any difference in speed of skills progression if I am hunting and killing low mobs (snables, daikibas) or higher (argos)?
  11. Kango

    Got perfect dmg too :D

    Can I ask you one - maybe stupid - noobs question? Can somebody explain me information value and purpose of "Recommended level" rows at weapons info-card? Every weapon I saw has Recommended level set to 0. I dont understand it well especially for such types guns as MK2 is. :confused: Sorry...
  12. Kango

    beacon mission???

    Sorry for noob question. Can somebody tell me what is it? Thanx for your time.
  13. Kango

    Full RASCAL (M)

    I am looking for full Rascal set. Please, contact me via PM. Thanx.
  14. Kango

    my closed auction info

    Is it possible to find somewhere informations about my closed auctions (item, qty, bids, ....)? Thanx for your time.
  15. Kango

    Updated my beginner guides since last VU

    Excellent job Excellent and very helpful, THANX!