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  • Happy Holidays !
    I am a finance student who is doing research on socs in EU for my master thesis, and i was wondering if you or a member of your soc would help me by answering some questions

    best regards
    Miss Master Thesis
    To all those that may see this message, greetings.

    Know ye that on the 7th of February kl. 20 ma time, I will be unlocking the doors to the Temporal Destinies Society Lounge. After practically endless work (at least it feels that way) we feel that showing it to the public can benefit and help others to create a non storage like enviroment that you can relax in. Kick your feet up if we could actually do that :)

    Everyone and their brother are welcome to come, the more the merrier.. we wish we could serve drinks but the bartenders around still say that their shipment will arrive soon even after 7 years of waiting.. so conversation will have to do :laugh:

    Our home tp is Omegaton, go ne up the ramp through alpha to beta on the far side lvl 8.. repeat.. Omegaton Beta 8g.

    Come one come all.. see you there :tp:

    lol stuff my page! Just haven't seen you for a while so just popping in a howdy ;)
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