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  • The shrine once sacred, now in despair,
    A wooden Chest holds secrets there.
    The Nun’s own space, a sanctum profaned,
    Seek her abode where faith remains.
    Before the chest, three relics lie,
    Find them, and let the truth untie.
    how the hell do high prices "disrupt the fun". That really is a pointless neg rep and it's your opinion not a fact.
    ahh, its called Space station silicon valley, made by rockstar back in the day when they were under another name. Its a cool puzzle game where you need to save sheeps :D
    Your EF avatar picture just got me very curious so I have to ask: what N64 game is that a boxshot from? :scratch:
    thx and cant wait to be back.. had to work hard and do some sacrifices.. but it all payed off and can kick back and relax.

    ill put blueberries ;)
    Hi Kris - it's me .. Nun :D

    Good to see you back soon :) And Lootius bless you too :yay:

    wtf? no berries here? :scratch:
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