Hi Mike
Long time no see... as the Americans would say...
How're You doing mate? I hope You haven't sold any skills and still leading Your top50soc I hope?
Other that that, how's the PE nowdays?
Yes, Hyssch's been drinking some Teacher's HighLand Cream again and got a sudden strike of nostalgy all of a sudden, so I thought I should check up what's going on with my PE friends
Long time no see... as the Americans would say...
How're You doing mate? I hope You haven't sold any skills and still leading Your top50soc I hope?
Other that that, how's the PE nowdays?
Yes, Hyssch's been drinking some Teacher's HighLand Cream again and got a sudden strike of nostalgy all of a sudden, so I thought I should check up what's going on with my PE friends