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  • bor i skövde :p men har så jag kan fixa de här gratis typ nu :) fast menar du att allt annat än samsung är skit eller vad? xD
    Thx Nirfu... just breaking it down math wise so people can understand that the price of sweat cannot equal 5ped/1k unless your charity of getting or valueing FN at very loooow.
    you are right and that picture seems close to truth! =)

    but it should be more like pyramid thus making it more tolerable for the mass in the middle. or something... I am damn sleepy at the moment to think :D

    oops, i just realised i gave you a neg rep.. that was a mistake and meat for someone else ! so ignore it :p
    Hey man, was nice to see you at Ithaca. But before I realized it was you, you were already gone. Next time stay a bit longer and have a chat with me OK.
    The Monomyth was one hell of an event, i met players who I would not have met otherwise and had lots of fun solving the puzzles and even learned a few things about decrypting. Thank you for bringing us this event.
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