myne ah byrd Sep 23, 2008 hi, good to hear, i fly into LA the 30th at 11:30, have an appt. at 3:30 if ya wanna do lunch, let me know xo
hi, good to hear, i fly into LA the 30th at 11:30, have an appt. at 3:30 if ya wanna do lunch, let me know xo
NavadaDucrot Sep 15, 2008 How is the gorgeous Rex doing lately? I haven't been in game much lately so I haven't had a chance to talk to you in a while.
How is the gorgeous Rex doing lately? I haven't been in game much lately so I haven't had a chance to talk to you in a while.
MIXALHS Aug 20, 2008 hello hon!!!!!how are you? look my first lucky hog!!
hello hon!!!!!how are you? look my first lucky hog!!
myne ah byrd Aug 3, 2008 okay girlfriend, what is this??you have more visitors than the almighty ah, hmmmm, lol , you go girl!!!
okay girlfriend, what is this??you have more visitors than the almighty ah, hmmmm, lol , you go girl!!!
MIXALHS Jul 31, 2008 hey rex look a nice morning breakfast!!!:laugh::laugh::laugh:
hey rex look a nice morning breakfast!!!:laugh::laugh::laugh:
CrystalSpawnoid Jul 18, 2008 serendipity i always wanted to know how to get it me later at home
RexExtreme Jul 17, 2008 Here is my latest thread, One thing I've been dying to reach!
Here is my latest thread, One thing I've been dying to reach!
MIXALHS Jul 15, 2008 i would like too join too!ty forthe invite!! nick has me in his fl so if you want pm
RavenJade Jul 8, 2008 yeah I had alot of fun at that party with you.... You are a fab partier yourself
PinkPcP May 4, 2008 hey renee Pimp up your profile hun. I see you at the ring sooner then later. Hugz Pink