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  • Hey there,
    Im just dropping by and leaving this message to wish you the best in this time of the year :)
    I wish you a Merry Christmas, to you and all of your family,
    Have a wonderfull Christmas time, full of joy and with the ones you love the most.
    Sorry for not responding, still having a nightmare with the internet connection. Good luck in all you do:)
    Votre mére, elle est une hamster, et votre pére, son odeur est des baies de sureau

    I think Im about to give away the whole thing to the entire community - keep your eyes and mind open.
    pfff... so you think you're greater than Chuck Norris?
    When kids go to sleep they dress on Superman Pijama's
    When Superman goes to sleep he dresses himself with a Chuck Norris Pijama
    No, you and your friends are a small group and there are others who appreciate what I write and how i write..
    It's about getting back the the deposit and mnore that's called profiting.... My s ills i all areas are are improving daily... and steadily... and in anoher year I will be a twice th levels I am now... and profits will also double as well... but thanks for the rep:)
    you have now bud..... but!!!! you logged out before night came around... that is a MUST see!

    hhhmmm u playing more now??? its about time u graduated! (or did u already??? :dunno: ) least ur in a good soc :wtg:

    lily :grouphug:
    :) Thanks for visiting my page!!! Come back anytime!! While I'm here, I think I'll add some color to yours :silly2:
    Hi, be the first to comment and you get a cookie.

    (Man, I'm such a street fighter Junkie... >.>)
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