Recent content by tectransporter

  1. tectransporter

    News: Fanfiction Video: Titan Impact

    awesome and well knowned video "part I" of an ending era. btw. we´ll never seen hadesheim like this anymore:( but good to see the demigod of making awesome dancefloors, for those ppl that like forum questing, name start with a T and ends with a tiny x ...and some other ppl that are part of the...
  2. tectransporter

    Pistols + Amp

    heya pevi, i try to make it short.... why you don´t trust in your own knowledge? ;) replace the ? in your (More shots = more damage?) with a (!) and you answered your own question already. it depends all on the possible dps (damage per second) of each type of weapon. for more informations...
  3. tectransporter

    nice pic, which says a lot about you, warum auch nicht:D Frauen und ihr Schuhtick;) gl/hf while...

    nice pic, which says a lot about you, warum auch nicht:D Frauen und ihr Schuhtick;) gl/hf while enjoying entropia
  4. tectransporter

    heya spongey, long time no seen, i guess nea´s is missing you like hell. i hope you´re ok:)

    heya spongey, long time no seen, i guess nea´s is missing you like hell. i hope you´re ok:)
  5. tectransporter

    first tower :-)

    Congratulations for the 1st uber swirl.... :wtg:smells like payback time at CND.:wtg: finder+amp info would be nice to know
  6. tectransporter

    4k Belkar

    Congratulations on that claim, i´m dreaming of such a nice tower:yay:
  7. tectransporter

    Vain Harness (M,L)

    Congratulations nice archievment and very nice find:yay:
  8. tectransporter

    Unlocked Ranged Damage Assessment

    gratz nice unlock:wtg:
  9. tectransporter

    Achievement: Avoidance

    Very nice unlock - congratz :yay:
  10. tectransporter

    Achievement: Unlocked Medicine ;)

    well done very nice archievement mate.. gratz for that very sweet unlock:wtg:
  11. tectransporter

    Nvidea drivers 196.21 D3D error: (failed creating the Direct3D device)

    heya UtCollector Heya UtCollector, sorry to hear that you had problems with your nvidia gfx driver update. But that information overflow force the most reader to quit that thread at ½ reading status.:yay: only guessing on that possible fact 1st. did you install the 196.21 version...
  12. tectransporter

    Hi, nice to meet you, i hope we meet somewhere ingame sometimes :)

    Hi, nice to meet you, i hope we meet somewhere ingame sometimes :)
  13. tectransporter

    :( i have problem.

    heya intc1, you can try this and download the fixed clientloader routine here maybe that fix your login problems.
  14. tectransporter

    CRT:s Lucky 2 minutes

    woot woot 1st reply:D :yay::yay:hugh gratz....:yay::yay: nice christmas hunt.... well done
  15. tectransporter

    Selling: Eon Harness SGA (F)

    bump for some of the best items ingame BMUP, stands for? :D`maybe beam me up*scotty*:yay: