Recent content by trikky

  1. trikky

    (Spoiler) Thoughts on the new Arctic area

    my MF implant got unequipped today when I got to arctic, was there yesterday and had no problem, seems the update fixed more than one thing...
  2. trikky

    No more CGA...

    yup, CGA seems to be gone, now it's just GA... (wonder if they'll change the icon on EF, or maybe they'll make a new one)
  3. trikky

    Did EU crash?

    I connect, then I'm down again, after I try to connect again, it tells me I'm already on... wait a minute, then log in again, get disconnected after 30 seconds, but I'm still online apparently...
  4. trikky

    Did EU crash?

    back out again, glad I did get to extract that V binary...
  5. trikky

    Did EU crash?

    I'm in :D
  6. trikky

    Did EU crash?

    they usually let you know that the planned maintenance is going to happen, and that you have 5 mins to log out or so, not having that really surprised most of us I guess
  7. trikky

    Did EU crash?

    glad I'm not the only one that got kicked ;)
  8. trikky

    How 2 loose 3k peds in 4 days!!!

    IMHO, at your level you're not ready yet for those big ass amps
  9. trikky

    Entropia Universe 10.9 Release Notes

    no more stealth mining in pvp4 :( :bomb:
  10. trikky

    Info: Askin' for Ores

    problem now is that lyst is also TT fodder... so yeah, drones ftw!
  11. trikky

    New Miner Frustration

    stop using the MF series, get on the (L) boat, and start with the ju series, much better finders... download and read the manual there, explains several mining methods you might find useful
  12. trikky

    Mining manual

    I guess you should be able to mine with a OF101 + OF 105/211 + tk320, that's the three depths, I've just realized I haven't tried that at all since the new VU, so I might be very wrong in there
  13. trikky

    Mining manual

    oops, new VU and the Katsuichi harakiri trick for PVP4 has been removed... working on a new version of the manual and I'll correct that... for now be aware that it doesn't work anymore. :mad:
  14. trikky

    Mining manual

    There's no wrong or right way to use it, if it works for you, keep at it...
  15. trikky

    Mining manual

    I guess I could do that, but without the pictures that's 1/2 the manual... I decided not to do it that way because there's a lot of pics and some tables