Let's bring Entropia to PAX West!

Jan 24, 2022
Greetings everyone.
I have recently started thinking about attending PAX West in August. The convention is being held in Seattle, Washington. It is one of the biggest gaming conventions in the USA and I want to make Entropia a part of it. I think this will be a great way to get our game in front of hundreds or thousands of new eyes and potential players!

I am currently working on signing up for a discussion panel and possibly even a booth depending on my finances around that time. (If I get a booth I may need assistance designing a backdrop.)

I thought that it may be fun to turn it into a little meet and greet for Entropia too if any players wanted to get together for some beers etc. With the convention being in Seattle it may be easy for some Canadian players to attend also!

@My|MindArk @Ludvig|MindArk
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It seems the past few years there has been a very small LAN style event in Sweden for players on that side of the world. But what about everyone else?

This is Mindark's chance to be represented in the USA and give American players something to look forward to and feel included in the future of our game. I am willing to put in the time and effort of managing and running the game booth if Mindark wants to attend via Webcam and maybe show us some teasers about the future of Entropia!
Good idea. Ask MA if they'd need you as an EU ambassador for the event, although isn't JNJ still over there somewhere?
Brilliant! This would be great to see, wrong country for me, but this would be great for the game and the players.
Good idea. Ask MA if they'd need you as an EU ambassador for the event, although isn't JNJ still over there somewhere?
I think Neverdie may live here in the USA but I am uncertain. It would be amazing if he shows to the event, I have wanted to meet him and shake his hand for many years!
Greetings everyone.
I have recently started thinking about attending PAX West in August. The convention is being held in Seattle, Washington. It is one of the biggest gaming conventions in the USA and I want to make Entropia a part of it. I think this will be a great way to get our game in front of hundreds or thousands of new eyes and potential players!

I am currently working on signing up for a discussion panel and possibly even a booth depending on my finances around that time. (If I get a booth I may need assistance designing a backdrop.)

I thought that it may be fun to turn it into a little meet and greet for Entropia too if any players wanted to get together for some beers etc. With the convention being in Seattle it may be easy for some Canadian players to attend also!

@My|MindArk @Ludvig|MindArk
Its same as U wanted to push it on crusier ship? Sometimes its better not make commercials. As U know, part of your model of buisness imagination, when faced a economic aware person will burn very fast. Sorry for being a realist.
If You see it as just fun and micro way of having virtual amusment park sandbox then its ok. Just side hobbyst playground with space theme, it ok.
If You try to sell dreams with words like "Buisness" or "Investment", any realist with understanding of that words will turn around and only smile.

Look when that system was new, some people take the risk and swing they way. But very fast hit the wall of realism.
deeds investors, estate investors, transport investors... All that is gone and only working as small add to retirement money.

If that would be gold, You would already got big sharks here, not small young dolphins.
Why it is as it is? As U have way better places to make Buisness, way more better places to make Investment, and way more good quality positions.
Thats why Big Industry is not interested. As that system is made for people who enjoy Sci Fi themed MMORPG, dont look at best graphics and mechanics, I can say that even if Entropia was in retro game vibe people would play it. People who make cash and come here to shoot with broken rifle, aiming to beer cans, and have no problem with having lolipop instead of biggest teady bear.
This is just the place to have your alter ego avatar, relax after real life around us, and just burn some cash.

Just try once rent a costiume, and go with cosplay friends to any amusment park with stand up attitude to feel what is EU.
All rest is just imagination, and thats how this model works as any Publishing Company would do.

Only the realist, feel this.
I think Neverdie may live here in the USA but I am uncertain. It would be amazing if he shows to the event, I have wanted to meet him and shake his hand for many years!
Read somewhere he had a studio in the US that produced RT, no idea which state though.
I think Neverdie may live here in the USA but I am uncertain. It would be amazing if he shows to the event, I have wanted to meet him and shake his hand for many years!

I am fairly certain Neverdie lives in Los Angeles now for quite a while.

I say this is a great idea. MA used to attend conventions like this back when I started playing, but they stopped cause I think they felt the returns didn't justify the costs, or something like that.

But they will probably help and support your efforts as long as it doesn't really cost them anything.
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Dont you have to be the owner of the product to do this? Or am i mistaken there
Glad you asked. I am wanting to get Mindark on board for the whole game. If not I will work towards representing just Khorum Coast and possibly Planet Arkadia. Either way Entropia is hopefully coming to PAX one way or another!
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Glad you asked. I am wanting to get Mindark on board for the whole game. If not I will work towards representing just Khorum Coast and possibly Planet Arkadia. Either way Entropia is hopefully coming to PAX one way or another!
Remember to take with You data of land cost, deed cost, fertilizer - with graphic of sales, all data of your input and income, number of events You make with number of players and gold part info on new participants. as thats what Your looking on. Also mention on how much someone will need to spent befor be able to hunt on your ground.
Table is small, David we both know it.
Think it's a good idea but a year or two too early.
I'm sure MA will want to advertise more when UE5 rework is released, or a bit later when players beta test all the bugs.
Blah blah blah typical Wolfstar being himself.

If ambitious and determined individuals listened to those with narrow thinking where would we be?

Entropia is coming to PAX West one way or the other. Recruiting players to our universe is the most vital and important thing any of us can do. All of us are invested in this game, from the new sweaters all the way to starship captains.

You know what will cause our investments to crumble is lack of activity and growth of a player base? When you see the bigger picture you will realize it isn't about you or I but about everyone contributing to our game.

I am going to bring Entropia to PAX as my gift to a game I love for 20 years of existence and also for the USA players to finally have a meet and greet. PAX is going to be an exciting event in my life that I will never forget and I invite everyone to come be part of it.
Hope you have a blast.
If ambitious and determined individuals listened to those with narrow thinking where would we be?

Entropia is coming to PAX West one way or the other. Recruiting players to our universe is the most vital and important thing any of us can do. All of us are invested in this game, from the new sweaters all the way to starship captains.

You know what will cause our investments to crumble is lack of activity and growth of a player base? When you see the bigger picture you will realize it isn't about you or I but about everyone contributing to our game.

I am going to bring Entropia to PAX as my gift to a game I love for 20 years of existence and also for the USA players to finally have a meet and greet. PAX is going to be an exciting event in my life that I will never forget and I invite everyone to come be part of it.
I just opened events list to see how "determined" U are. Man Im just realist.
Its cool that U want to promote Khorum Coast. That will also mean Arkadia, and the Entopia Platform. Its cool.
But first better contact MindArk. and yeah its not like "I am wanting to get Mindark on board". U need to grow up.

Call the office in working hours and get it all str8!

As may you dont know there is some parts that you cant tell in name of MindArk.
Basiclly You can only tell and show your Land and mention only inside what game it is, as till You dont call,
then dont put your head and fly there to sign some documents.

So as mentioned. Just please, Take all raw data about it and have Fun.
I wish you only fun, rest can be to much for you.

I really appreciate your creativity and imagination.
Just remember that there are some things that can have consequences if you don't have signed documents.

So what? Check for you ticket to Sweden and hotel?
Or U need telephone number to office?
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I appreciate your concern. However, I am an affiliate with the platform and was already given permission to advertise Entropia and Khorum Coast within appropriate limits 2 years ago when I put the game on international news.
If ambitious and determined individuals listened to those with narrow thinking where would we be?

Entropia is coming to PAX West one way or the other. Recruiting players to our universe is the most vital and important thing any of us can do. All of us are invested in this game, from the new sweaters all the way to starship captains.

You know what will cause our investments to crumble is lack of activity and growth of a player base? When you see the bigger picture you will realize it isn't about you or I but about everyone contributing to our game.

I am going to bring Entropia to PAX as my gift to a game I love for 20 years of existence and also for the USA players to finally have a meet and greet. PAX is going to be an exciting event in my life that I will never forget and I invite everyone to come be part of it.
Let me know if i can help
I appreciate your concern. However, I am an affiliate with the platform and was already given permission to advertise Entropia and Khorum Coast within appropriate limits 2 years ago when I put the game on international news.
David, thats mentioning about platform, not speaking with people in box at convent.
But do as U will. Just remeber to think who is asking and what type of questions.
Industry well, works as always ^^.

Remember im not against You and your desire. Maybe im just to old realist that looks like pessimist.

In my opinion there are a little more safe ways to promote game.
This time is also not a good time, maybe year after UE5 when they fix all bugs,
then I would even help.
Let me know if i can help
Thank you for the offer of assistance, Image. I would love some footage from a hunter at your caliber! Some globals and HoFs getting captured from different creatures and put together to show what hunting as a high level player looks like.

Also by all means come and experience the convention and take part in the Entropia meet and greet. I thought about picking a local restaurant or bar and making reservations so that players didn't have to buy PAX tickets to come be part of the Entropia experience. Hoping we can get Mindark to help host a little LAN thing like they have done in the past.
I am fairly certain Neverdie lives in Los Angeles now for quite a while.

I say this is a great idea. MA used to attend conventions like this back when I started playing, but they stopped cause I think they felt the returns didn't justify the costs, or something like that.

But they will probably help and support your efforts as long as it doesn't really cost them anything.
I got my first disk at E3 2004 from neverdie. Dude was so enthusiastic about the game I couldn't help but try.

Thought he was nuts with how animated he was about it. 😆
I got my first disk at E3 2004 from neverdie. Dude was so enthusiastic about the game I couldn't help but try.

Thought he was nuts with how animated he was about it. 😆
This is the kind of energy I want to bring with our game to PAX. Entropia is an amazing and life game. Sometimes admittedly those changes aren't for the best (just like any game) but there are so many unique stories that only Entropia could accomplish.

Where else could I have invested in a game that I love and started my own business without being someone who makes 6 figures a year in real life?
Remember to take with You data of land cost, deed cost, fertilizer - with graphic of sales, all data of your input and income, number of events You make with number of players and gold part info on new participants. as thats what Your looking on. Also mention on how much someone will need to spent befor be able to hunt on your ground.
Table is small, David we both know it.

I don't think that's really his main focus lol. He primarily wants more people playing the game. Fact is people can, have, and will make money in this game in varying amounts. Thats what brought most people here, and thats what HAS to be the main selling point. I don't think its logical to even suggest he steers away from that point.
I don't think that's really his main focus lol. He primarily wants more people playing the game. Fact is people can, have, and will make money in this game in varying amounts. Thats what brought most people here, and thats what HAS to be the main selling point. I don't think its logical to even suggest he steers away from that point.
Yeah I don't know what was going on here either but the main focus of the booth will be player recruiting for the entire game. If I have to use my brand as a foot in the door that is all it will be.
You are correct that the booth would make more sense if it was Entropia and not just Khorum Coast. I planned on only using my brand as a talking point of my experience with the game but the overall theme needs to be player recruitment to Entropia itself.

I understand a convention like this could be hard to get the overall value back out when I pitch it to Mindark. There are quite a few things that I will take care of myself on my end though to reduce costs:
- I have my own monitors and computers to bring for game demonstration and video advertising.
- I will bring my own portable wifi connection so there wont be a need to pay for it there or use a potentially slow clogged service.
- I have access to a table and chairs so we wont need to rent them for the extra charge.
- I live about 2 hours from the convention and was planning to pay for my own hotel stay for the weekend.
- I was going to donate my time to run the booth because I want to do what I can to help grow a game that I love and that I am also heavily invested in. They wont need to pay an employee to have a presence at the convention.

I have been thinking what I need from Mindark and I believe it is only a few things so far:
- Pay the cost of renting the booth for the weekend, which I estimate to be around $2,000 but I am waiting to hear from PAX about the actual cost.
- Help design some promotional materials like a banner, handouts or a video to play explaining the game concept.
- Pay for the cost of printing the banners and handouts.

In the end I hope to be able to get them a space and visibility at the convention for a fraction of what it would normally cost by doing what I can to support it too. The intended final costs would be $3,000 or less but also the materials created and printed could be used at another convention. I don't plan on just going one time somewhere to promote EU, I would like to try and signup for other conventions in the USA.

I myself have never been to PAX but I did google the attendance numbers for 2023 and there was 120,000 people who visited the convention. That is quite a lot of potential exposure for Entropia if we pull it off correctly. I do admit it will be hard to get an accurate measure of the value of return on doing something like this but I also think that if I do it within my budget we shouldn't have too much issues getting value back in the investment. It only takes a few dedicated new players to make up the $3,000 cost but also one player could also be worth far more depending on what they do in real life. There are players out there waiting to be recruited who could change our game or even give players like Messi and Bonnie some competition!

One thing I think that will help is that I used to already go to construction tradeshows and conventions to promote my father's small roofing/insulation business when I was younger. I have already set up booths similar to this and spent the day engaging with people and discussing why I was there. You need the right type of personality to pull something like this off too, you can't have someone who just sits behind the booth and not interact with the people. You need someone who loves Entropia and is passionate about the game.
Ohh man

I understand a convention like this could be hard to get the overall value back out when I pitch it to Mindark. There are quite a few things that I will take care of myself on my end though to reduce costs:
- I have my own monitors and computers to bring for game demonstration and video advertising.
- I will bring my own portable wifi connection so there wont be a need to pay for it there or use a potentially slow clogged service.
- I have access to a table and chairs so we wont need to rent them for the extra charge.
- I live about 2 hours from the convention and was planning to pay for my own hotel stay for the weekend.
- I was going to donate my time to run the booth because I want to do what I can to help grow a game that I love and that I am also heavily invested in. They wont need to pay an employee to have a presence at the convention.

I have been thinking what I need from Mindark and I believe it is only a few things so far:
- Pay the cost of renting the booth for the weekend, which I estimate to be around $2,000 but I am waiting to hear from PAX about the actual cost.
- Help design some promotional materials like a banner, handouts or a video to play explaining the game concept.
- Pay for the cost of printing the banners and handouts.
Ohh David. U need 2-3k$*possible more ;) from MA but You will bring your own chairs from home?
To show "Investment" for over how much it was last time when U try to sell it, as I dont remeber 12-23k$?

You need to Wake Up.

Sorry, but need to be like that. DUDE! You are disconnected from reality.

You will be like Persian carpet salesman, with a fake gold tooth that drive in with Prius :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

Please Live Stream it.
It will be epic.
Poodoobuu I think I'll send a spy over there to make it more fun.
Ohh man

Ohh David. U need 2-3k$*possible more ;) from MA but You will bring your own chairs from home?
To show "Investment" for over how much it was last time when U try to sell it, as I dont remeber 12-23k$?

You need to Wake Up.

Sorry, but need to be like that. DUDE! You are disconnected from reality.

You will be like Persian carpet salesman, with a fake gold tooth that drive in with Prius :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

Please Live Stream it.
It will be epic.
Poodoobuu I think I'll send a spy over there to make it more fun.

Who hurt you? Let it all out, it will be okay!
Feel like there is too much noise at events like this for Entropia.

It’s not exactly a high octane attention grabbing game.

I’d just invest what you would have spent on Google ads