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  1. Danoclese

    Happy New Year !!!

    Happy New head hurts :)
  2. Danoclese

    A look at loot boxes and the perception of video games as gambling

    CBC News: Loot box brouhaha: Are video games becoming too much like gambling? Entropia isn't mentioned but it might well have been and definitely close to the truth
  3. Danoclese

    10 years

    Just imagine if we ever make it to the "20 years in Entropia" posts! Where will we all be then and what will the game look like then, if it can survive that long? :eyecrazy::yay::cool: Oh, and Happy Beer-thday, Serica! I've been celebrating my tenth here as well. :)
  4. Danoclese

    Migration Weapons Drops

    Oddly enough, on Saturday, I scored over 6 globals on low-mat LTs--the best I've ever done in my 10+ year love-hate affair with this game:cool::laugh::wtg:--for a total of 600+ PED. Got a couple of 1010's at almost full TT (I TT these), a couple of Zero-4s (TT food as well) and a Decimator...
  5. Danoclese

    R.I.P Jarman!

    I am so sorry for your (and, collectively, our) loss. I fondly remember seeing Jarman's name pop up in here and global chat from time to time and his fun reparte (sp) was always enjoyable. He'll be missed. :(
  6. Danoclese

    Anyone remember....

    Good times...indeed, good times :thumbup:
  7. Danoclese

    For Jim

    The rest of my message in my "Rep" post is "...telling you that it's OK and that he loves you." My most sincere condolences on your loss. I don't know what I'd do if I lost my Rose, but I like to think that all my friends (and the whole EU Community) would help me through it. It's cliche, I...
  8. Danoclese

    Question: Why MA doesn't let me quit the game?

    I feel your pain! ;)
  9. Danoclese

    Selling: Armour, Plates

    ALL ITEMS SOLD Mods, please close this thread :locked:
  10. Danoclese

    Selling: Armour, Plates

    Genesis 16H apartment SOLD! OP updated (look up! look w-a-a-a-y up...and I'll call Rusty)
  11. Danoclese

    Selling: Armour, Plates

    UPDATE: 6A PLATES SOLD (I bet you're kicking yourself now ;) ) More to come..(Can you dance a "Foxtrot"??? or, maybe, fly with the eagles?) Stay Tuned!
  12. Danoclese

    Selling: Armour, Plates

    Only 4 days til Friday! :yay:bump
  13. Danoclese

    Selling: Armour, Plates

    Easter Monday Morning Blues Bump! ;)
  14. Danoclese

    Selling: Armour, Plates

    Hoppy Easter Bump! :bump:
  15. Danoclese

    Selling: Armour, Plates

    Ghost and Vigi and 5Bs SOLD 6As still available...get them now before the price goes up! 2Cs also available (full set) Genesis apartment available...inquire within!
  16. Danoclese

    Selling: Armour, Plates

    Saturday before Easter Bump!
  17. Danoclese

    Selling: Armour, Plates

    Bumping it up!
  18. Danoclese

    Selling: Armour, Plates

    Vigi, Ghost 6A, 2C, 5B full set sales only, please! All sets and plates sold! Marber Foxtrot and other items available. Please inquire within
  19. Danoclese

    Buying: Buying: Gremlin Set Male, FAP-90, Maddox IV

    I have 2C's that come with that set, if you want. No Fap-90, just an 80. Sold my Maddox/Beast a while ago.
  20. Danoclese

    Buying: Buying: Gremlin Set Male, FAP-90, Maddox IV

    I have a set you can have...I'll have to check if I still have my 90
  21. Danoclese

    ^ Demonikos, your EU Doctor ^

    Welcome back! :thumbup:
  22. Danoclese

    Speed Bike

    Tron-tropia ftw :)
  23. Danoclese

    Info: First Official Event at Planet Toulan
  24. Danoclese

    T-Shirts from Entropia Store

    $30 CAD for a T-Shirt??? Are you fucking kidding me??? Get real MA...lower the price by 66% Not worth it, imho...:scratch2::eyecrazy:
  25. Danoclese

    Champions league Warm up event

    Here's a little blast from the past for those who may remember when Jon printed up a deck of cards for the Champions League