Search results

  1. Johan

    Selling: WTS 230.19Ped [Empty Skill Implant (L)]

    Selling a [Empty Skill Implant (L)] with a TT value of 230.19 ped. Pm me ur offer here or in-game if you are interested Johan Mio Copper
  2. Johan

    Buying: WTB [Melee Trauma Amplifier 6] (Bought)

    Hey, I'm looking for a [Melee Trauma Amplifier 6]. PM here or in-game if you are looking to sell one. In-game Name : Johan Mio Copper Update: Deal has been made and I found what I was looking for.
  3. Johan

    Hunting log miniseries

    I enjoy this thread very much. Keep up the good progress in-game aswell as the forum Eve. Grats to all the cool achievements!
  4. Johan

    Selling: Jarhead (M) Tier 3 - Sold

    Lowered the price to TT+2k Come get this nice set that works well for alot of different mobs!
  5. Johan

    Selling: Jarhead (M) Tier 3 - Sold

  6. Johan

    Selling: Jarhead (M) Tier 3 - Sold

  7. Johan

    Selling: Jarhead (M) Tier 3 - Sold

    Hello all. Im selling a Tier 3 set of Jarhead M. Price is TT +2.2k +2k I prefer peds but can also take items in trade such as 5B plates+peds, EP3+peds or straight off trade for an EP4. ingame name is Johan Mio Copper.
  8. Johan

    Jarhead (M) T3 set

    Hello all. Im selling a Tier 3set of Jarhead M. Price is TT+2.2k I prefer peds but can also take items in trade such as 5B plates+peds, EP3+peds or straight off trade for an EP4. ingame name is Johan Mio Copper.
  9. Johan

    Entropiafund Events: Jackpot, Amazing items in Prizes (Join Here)

    Register me please. Johan Mio Copper :yay::yay:
  10. Johan

    *Pemphredo Island* AUDs Bonus Event for Miners

    Register Johan Mio Copper
  11. Johan

    Akoz' Ultimate Event : Registration Thread

    !Register Johan Mio Copper
  12. Johan

    VU14.3 - Disconnection bugs

    /signed *too short
  13. Johan

    SIG FUND presents - WIN THE LA: CLD's, Guns, Land Areas and much more to be won

    Sign me up! Johan Mio Copper Great event!
  14. Johan

    Buying: Pegasus (M) and Set of 3E plates.

    Need all exept Head and thighs. PM me. Regards
  15. Johan

    Join Swedish Citizens of Calypso Today!

    Bump! Still need to fill this soc with friendly sweds! Lets build the future!
  16. Johan

    Coppers Combat Healing

    Morning bump! I'm online now for like 12hours more ! :beerchug: Send me a PM or add me to FL Become my first customer :ahh: Copper
  17. Johan

    Coppers Combat Healing

    Hi All! My name is Johan Mio Copper and nowadays I'm a small time Healer / tool-manufacturer / Miner / Hunter, Basicly I do (DID) everything :) But now I've decided that im gonna stick to fapping and crafting my own Tools for this service. And do some small hunting and mining when time allows...
  18. Johan

    Join Swedish Citizens of Calypso Today!

    Hi all. A new society has been formed, Swedish Citizens of Calypso. The goal with this society is to build a strong community for Swedes. I've been playing this game for a while now and I feel that I want to do something for the community of Swedish players. This is a fairly good challenge and...
  19. Johan

    Crashes after someone dying in radar

    Yep, it definatly has something to do with traveling to revival terminal after been killed. Killed a guy, he canceled the automatic respawn, a few moments later, he started the countdown, and then we crashed. (Might be the weight of some avatars beeing to heavy for the revivalterminal to...
  20. Johan

    Crashes after someone dying in radar

    It seems that something on me is causing people to crash, i stood at newbie rig watching people get killed 1 after another, and when I after 10min of watching shoot 1 guy with the vrex 1000 and kills him, everyone get CTD. Might be some help, if not, disregard this post.
  21. Johan

    Selling: Full set of Hermes (M,L) High tierrates on some parts.

    Hi! Selling Full set of Hermes (M,L) with High tier and High tt on most parts. (Forgot to detach the 3e armor platings, they are not for sale, sorry for that) Stats and tierrates below Please PM your offers ingame or here. /Copper
  22. Johan

    The Future of PVP??

    It's still a game so we're still playing. To the topic: You wouldnt decay cars IRL just to piss someone off would u? I'll give you all an answer to that question, Many people(youngsters mostly as an experts guess) do this for many reasons, 2 of them is showing off in front of friends and to...
  23. Johan

    Account locked, apparently for no reason...

    Information and communication with customers must be a high priority for MA. And for all companies for that matter. Think about a house beeing built, and there is somewhat of delay in the work, wouldn't you as a customer demand to know what the problem is and what they are doing to minimize the...
  24. Johan

    Account locked, apparently for no reason...

    I bet Anonymous is behind this! :laugh: