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  1. Johno321

    What do you think of peds do you think it cool for the money?

    I think peds are good and bad the eco has mucked up things for all the ped lovers but we like them that y we spend
  2. Johno321

    Is your soc kind to you or not?

    My soc have allways been kind to me they allways help when im stuck in the middle of nowhere and if i need a question answering they will answer and 100% of the time they all say hello and bye when logging on and loggin off if you find the right soc you wont never get board of EU
  3. Johno321

    hi mate can u state a time u wish to meet yet ill meet u on the time u say try doin it on...

    hi mate can u state a time u wish to meet yet ill meet u on the time u say try doin it on mindark time thx mate hope cya soon
  4. Johno321

    Hi mate i posted you a private message wat u think pm me thanks mate

    Hi mate i posted you a private message wat u think pm me thanks mate
  5. Johno321

    EFD Store Maintenance

    wat is the efd for i not shaw im new on the fourum i bought an icon dunno wat it does so any help would be good