Search results

  1. kingsel

    Loot 2.0 killed the game

    At this point im still convinced that some people will never understand why it should take 5 years to progress to low mid tier now compared to took 5 months to progress low mid tier back then if you dont swipe. Keep those negative comments flow
  2. kingsel

    Actual events for newbies

    In near future lets say in 20 years or so, is there gonna be any event that newbies can participate and actually do well about it? Im talking about dev events not player created ones
  3. kingsel

    Why does people scared of joining a society?

    did tho but anyways thanks all for super kind replies
  4. kingsel

    Why does people scared of joining a society?

    finally someone got my point lol
  5. kingsel

    Why does people scared of joining a society?

    nope people joins and sometimes enjoys it. not super selective just selective which is the reason ppl not joning socs cause of not being selective and even after joining soc, not interact with anybody in soc once
  6. kingsel

    Why does people scared of joining a society?

    Adults not much complaning and sometimes saying hi which might be better than point and click
  7. kingsel

    Why does people scared of joining a society?

    as i said not icarus noobs, royal club sweaters nor toxic kids
  8. kingsel

    Why does people scared of joining a society?

    cause big socs usually inv everyone, i dont
  9. kingsel

    Why does people scared of joining a society?

    trying my best to not inv toxics and icarus noobs unless they have some potential lol
  10. kingsel

    Why does people scared of joining a society?

    well ppl have some solid reasons to be freelancer even tho i keep my soc as adult and clean as possible
  11. kingsel

    Why does people scared of joining a society?

    lol craeted this post cause i own a society and trying to not have that 10ped global chatters in my soc and still peopel afraid of it
  12. kingsel

    Why does people scared of joining a society?

    you can always chill alone with music but they seem its the worst thing in the game to join a soc i mean what worse could it be
  13. kingsel

    Why does people scared of joining a society?

    Simple as title. Whats the reason behind try so hard to play this point and click boring game alone?
  14. kingsel

    Looking for active disciples!

    yes! pm me in game or discord whenever you can
  15. kingsel

    Selling: WTS/WTT GHOST M SET

  16. kingsel

    Selling: WTS/WTT GHOST M SET

  17. kingsel

    Selling: WTS/WTT GHOST M SET

  18. kingsel

    Selling: WTS Some chips (not edible)

    WTS [Regeneration Chip 3 (L)] %104 - [Regeneration Chip 4 (L)] %104 - [Regeneration Chip 1 (L)] %105 - [Arsonistic Chip 3 (L)] %110 i have plenty of all of them except arsonistic
  19. kingsel

    I need a mentor

    merhabalar bana oyun içinden ulaşabilirsin Goksel Prometheus Yurdakul
  20. kingsel

    Selling: WTS/WTT GHOST M SET

  21. kingsel

    Selling: WTS/WTT GHOST M SET
