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  1. H

    Fill me in...

    Looking at, EP 40's have gone up in price remarkably :eek: I think I kept at least one :wtg: Still can't get the damn install to work though :(
  2. H

    Fill me in...

    ah, thankyou. I'm afraid i'm a noob again :ahh:
  3. H

    Fill me in...

    One more question; What's this about levels now? :rolleyes:
  4. H

    Fill me in...

    Well actually... my last logon was 2005 :laugh: So more like 3 years. Round about the time the "no loot" was introduced
  5. H

    Fill me in...

    I did mine a bit... guess not anymore? :eek: Hunter mainly.
  6. H

    Fill me in...

    I've already tried the 1.4 gig file... can't remember the problem I had with it... No harm in trying again though, thanks for the link
  7. H

    Fill me in...

    Thankyou :silly2: +rep You can have a negative balance? :scratch2: Thats no good. If i remember correctly... all my a10(x) amps were sold to the TT :laugh:
  8. H

    Fill me in...

    Ah yes, it can be all fucked up. But is it fucked up beyond all repair? :D
  9. H

    Fill me in...

    Is it FUBAR? :eek:
  10. H

    Fill me in...

    Hmm. At first i thought it might be a firewall issue... but deactivating the firewall didn't help, neither did putting it in the "exceptions". I don't have my antivirus running... I did a search of the forums, and the a few people have had the problem, but I couldn't find a definitive resolution
  11. H

    Fill me in...

    My old version is looonggg gone. I just went on the mindark site an hour ago and downloaded it from there. The file which is only a few mb, then updates in the client... That didn't work, so I tried downloading the larger 1gb file... that didn't work either
  12. H

    Fill me in...

    I tt'd a lot of my stuff before leaving :rolleyes: And gave some to everybody in orange jumpsuits :D I keep getting Patch file corrupt: Invalid checksum when I go to download PE :confused:
  13. H

    Fill me in...

    Well hooray for the graphics at least :yay: Loot is worse!? :eek: I left cause it was pretty bad... Wish I could download it to try it out... but it doesn't seem to want to download properly :rolleyes: All i've got left is an EP40 though :silly2: (If I remember correctly)
  14. H

    Fill me in...

    What's happened in PE in the last 2 years? Preferrably in only a couple of sentences :rolleyes: Is the loot system still the same? (Chance to get no loot)
  15. H

    Atlast i get some luck

    gratz :thumbup:
  16. H

    Make a Word from the Previous Letter

  17. H

    My First Large Loot

    Thats a nice loot, but (not to sound like an arsehole) keep it too yourself. ;)
  18. H

    The person below me.....

    True, i've hung up my boots in PE :( TPBM- Has tasted vegemite
  19. H

    The person below me.....

    I wish :rolleyes: TPBM- Has been to Australia
  20. H

    OK Going to Ask this once

    Welcome to the game
  21. H

    please help me!

    PM'd you... and an un-needed bump :rolleyes:
  22. H

    Howdy all from down under

    bloody oath, true blue, fair dinkum. ;)
  23. H

    Make a Word from the Previous Letter

  24. H

    The person below me.....

    FALSE, No way :laugh: TPBM- Likes good old rock n roll
  25. H

    my first was good

    Then this'll get deleted :( Well, gratz anyway