Search results

  1. sbi

    Selling: Taking offers on Neopsion Perfected

    Pending sale :) Gl with it!
  2. sbi

    Selling: Taking offers on Neopsion Perfected

    WTS Neopsion Perfected. Only 3 looted atm. BO 5k
  3. sbi

    Shaolin: 15th Anniversary

    Fantastic soc :) All the best to you all!
  4. sbi

    Loot 2.0

    Corrected it for you :wise:
  5. sbi

    Live Support Feedback/Discussion

    superB at times with clear and quick answers, mUch less concreTe at other tiMes. Some shortcommings in whAt they could anSwer or help with. As a former cUstomer I appreCiated the effort though. It was oK overall. /Sbi
  6. sbi

    Return penalty for using crit buffs

    Agree 100 % with op. I had the Best gear in game with more than 3,7-3,8 dpp. After 2.0... now i don't trust in the game stats shown anymore and thus sold out and play other games instead. Too bad. Loved this game. May return but really cant see myself trusting in Big investments anytime soon. Sbi
  7. sbi

    New League

    I am in :) Had it downloaded and started, but had some error and now I am reinstalling all :/ Count me in
  8. sbi

    Selling: Selling Bulk (22k) ped tt of components

    Bulk it up
  9. sbi

    Selling: Selling Bulk (22k) ped tt of components

    22k ish ped of different components. Make an % offer :) Will sell 1 day after last offer or at 105 % BO /sbi
  10. sbi

    Selling: Rare Cold-ir BP

    6 azzurdite 10 blausariam 10 garcen Level 7 weapon BP!! (nice drops possible, only 12 recorded sales ever) QR 89.1 SB 3k BO 5.5k Sold
  11. sbi

    Selling: Easter Ring 2017

    bump it up :)
  12. sbi

    Selling: Easter Ring 2017

    Bump it up :)
  13. sbi

    Selling: Easter Ring 2017

    Edited... just a bump :)
  14. sbi

    Selling: Easter Ring 2017

    bump, sb lowered :)
  15. sbi

    Selling: Easter Ring 2017

    bump it up :)
  16. sbi

    Selling: Easter Ring 2017

    Bump it up :)
  17. sbi

    Selling: Easter Ring 2017

    Bump for dps, dpp and health :) DB lowered
  18. sbi

    Selling: Easter Ring 2017

    Boost that dps and dpp today and get a Nice health boost on top :)
  19. sbi

    Should Uber Hunters Be Guaranteed TT Profit?

    Guaranteed is a bad choice of word but all we have in this poll. (Which seems biased to make people vote no). Should ubers (understood in the eco sense) be likely to make tt profit? Hell yeah.
  20. sbi

    Selling: Easter Ring 2017

    Bump it up :)
  21. sbi

    Selling: Easter Ring 2017

    Bump it up :)
  22. sbi

    Selling: Easter Ring 2017

    Bump it up :)
  23. sbi

    FYI: Cerb Hulk Beris - Hunting log

    Do you prefer the option that they have no possibility to profit longterm then?
  24. sbi

    FYI: Cerb Hulk Beris - Hunting log

    They have the possibility to gear and skill up to make profit
  25. sbi

    Selling: Easter Ring 2017

    Bump it up - SB noted