Search results

  1. DaveFoz

    HELL's Legionaire

    Looks like the are going for the WWII German Soldier Look, all that is missing from the arm band is the Swatzsticker they even seem to have the right type of helmet
  2. DaveFoz

    Selling: Weapons and Armor

    Bump it up right before MM gets going
  3. DaveFoz

    Selling: Weapons and Armor

    Bump for a Tuesday MM is getting closer
  4. DaveFoz

    Selling: Weapons and Armor

    MM is close by - Sunday Bump
  5. DaveFoz

    Selling: Weapons and Armor

    Friday Evening Bumps
  6. DaveFoz

    Selling: Weapons and Armor

    Daily Bumpers
  7. DaveFoz

    Selling: Weapons and Armor

    Get your hunitng kit for this years MM
  8. DaveFoz

    Selling: Weapons and Armor

    Bump Back up for Armour and guns
  9. DaveFoz

    Selling: Weapons and Armor

    Bump Back up
  10. DaveFoz

    Selling: Weapons and Armor

    Bump on back up
  11. DaveFoz

    Selling: Weapons and Armor

    Hi all, I am selling the following items, Idea for Merry Mayhem Hunting Season Full Set of Martial F SGA UL - SB 26k PED - BO 30k PED DOA Loudmouth (Tier 4) - SB 11k PED - BO 14k PED Emik T10 UL - SB TT + 10k PED - BO TT+12k PED Auctions will run 5 days per item from the first Bid or until BO...
  12. DaveFoz

    Info: Rewards for Mission Tokens!

    Here Here !!
  13. DaveFoz

    FYI: Black Box mission is broken

    Well Assumtion is the mother of all F*** ups, And anyhow in Real Life the Blackbox is normal 1) Not Black, it is bright orange to help find it, if a plane crashes, 2) located in the tail of the plane to help protect it from the most violent of crashes i.e. Nose first But glad you have now...
  14. DaveFoz

    Pictures and discoveries VU2011.3

    Mission, After Turning in the 30 Gobi Mission you can then move on to a Trip Mission Hunting Down the Tripudion - Kill 50
  15. DaveFoz

    Pictures and discoveries VU2011.3

    Mission Kill 100 Daikiba - Dr Jenna Zimsky Inside at Falcon Base ( 55341 61997 ) Must be in Event Wave Area, some ppl there 90 mins no wave. Area Called the Bull Pen
  16. doa-lm stats

    doa-lm stats

  17. DaveFoz

    Pictures and discoveries VU2011.3

    Which Mission Broker at Ody Landing, have only found the one (Explorer David Spellman) and no Gobi Mission
  18. DaveFoz

    Pictures and discoveries VU2011.3

    Mission, Soldier at Camo Camp will Give a Mission Called " The Robot Commander" Got it when going to turn in Further investigation Just go back and kill a Legionaire - Mission Done (Reward - 5 Mission Tokens)
  19. DaveFoz

    Pictures and discoveries VU2011.3

    Mission, "Help Clear the Area" On completeion of Something Fishy at Camo Camp Kill 70 Insects to South in the Swamp of Camo Camp
  20. DaveFoz

    Info: Bronze Atrox Callange

    That Bug may be with the Atrox Bronze, Just killed some Argo Young and my Broze total did not go down
  21. DaveFoz

    Info: Bronze Atrox Callange

    Bronze Atrox is Old and above if I am not mistaken, Are you sure you are hunting the right maturity??
  22. DaveFoz

    3K noob hof

    Gtz either way that you feel
  23. DaveFoz

    Help: Mentoring, can't add a presention.

    Could not enter any text on my first log in today. even after closing and opening window several times. Once i logged in for a second time after update, I clicked in the area for presenation and the cursor popped right up.
  24. DaveFoz

    travel time with quad after VU

    looks like revive line jumping to planets is now in
  25. DaveFoz

    Achievements got wiped?

    You just have to visit the person at PA to get them back you do not have to complete them again