Search results

  1. Gill

    Buying: Japan mask, Artic civilian pants (F)

    thanks for checking anyway :)
  2. Gill

    Buying: Japan mask, Artic civilian pants (F)

    bump after years
  3. Gill

    Chat: Internal Error ?

    >>>>.) change internet connection settings in loader to 56kb ( yes i am serious about it) omg, it solved...thanks !
  4. Gill

    Join the Church of Lootius: Calling All Devoted Adventurers!

    love to see names from old days (am only from 2011 tho). its hard to find something which is still there after years and that makes me wetty.
  5. Gill

    Happy 21st Birthday Shaolin

    Happy birthday for the epic soc (=゚ω゚)ノ
  6. Gill

    working on a fun community event/ activities

    sounds great and thank you for your initiative, will surely keep an eye on. I used to run something similar >
  7. Gill

    Entropia Universe 18.2 Release Notes

    we can sit !
  8. Gill

    Tell Us, what Vehicle you drive in Real life.

    30years old MT.
  9. Gill

    One of the oldest societies Recruiting

    bump to show respect
  10. Gill

    Epic interplanetary boss waves round 14!

    bump for the big time !
  11. Gill

    Will never sell!

    UL regen chip lv1, it's my soul. pet cat, which represents my deceased cat.
  12. Gill

    Uber: My highest hunting HoF :) 13,1k Araneatrox

    HUGE GRATZ !! (^_^)/
  13. Gill

    Godsend for dailies \( *´ω`* )/
  14. Gill

    off-topic channel

    thanks for replies guys. i keep it turned off most of times unless i myself need help <still noob. maybe i should poke one of those mind ark official in-game support ava, along with submitting support case / petition via official page. cherishing new player base is very important for entropia.
  15. Gill

    off-topic channel

    hi think there need to be an in-game off-topic/general channel so that rookie channel will work as a place where noobs can have advice, instead of being flooded by trashy chatting by drunks about real life politics and religions. yay
  16. Gill

    Price Check Chikara, Ai, 11D

    hiya, the price of estate deeds look so random and cannot determine what I should offer. I appreciate any hints. Gill
  17. Gill

    Entropia Universe Unreal - Bunker concepts and early render

    if font size remains unreadably small, i will say good bye to the entropia, cannot literally be playable ;( there need to be unlimit font size adjustment feature, as most entropians are getting real old and have difficulty to read tiny letters...
  18. Gill

    Selling: Female UL full set armors : Pixie adjusted, Rascal and Vigilante.

    Female UL full set armors : Pixie adjusted, Rascal and Vigilante. Price is TT+MU. pixie 100 PED rascal 120 PED vigilante 410 PED
  19. Gill

    Selling: Auto loot Gorilla

  20. Gill

    Chiee's Entropiafund

  21. Gill

    Buying: Japan mask, Artic civilian pants (F)

    yearly bump
  22. Gill

    Selling: Auto loot Gorilla

    “Time spent with cats is never wasted.”
  23. Gill

    Chiee's Entropiafund

    *highly endorsing*
  24. Gill

    Selling: Auto loot Gorilla

    “The better I get to know men, the more I find myself loving dogs.” – Charles de Gaulle