Search results

  1. Thark

    News: Prospector Rush

    can we get some info on the tradeability of stuff? Like it seems obvious that the creature and mining loot will be tradeable, how about the ship parts or the package thing? They somehow worded it in a way that makes me think of account bound stuff. But maybe thats just fluff? Btw, I like the...
  2. Thark

    All auction bids are final? 60k bid in 1xx p balancing.

    interesting, thank you! I totally woulda thought, if they can take it into account for taxes, they think its real stuff. lol I dunno about the US, international law or as I said Sweden, but for my country I know from personal experience that I am not even allowed to subrent my appartment for...
  3. Thark

    All auction bids are final? 60k bid in 1xx p balancing.

    I would think you even have legal avenues open to you. I dunno Swedish law or even what jurisdiction MA/PE fall under but in the real world, stuff like this should easily be reversible. If you send the wrong amount of money via bank transfer, the seller has no right to the money. If you sign a...
  4. Thark

    News: Server Downtime for Patch

    some vegitation fixes please, you still get stuck harvesting too far away from trees... harvesting is super important, promise! :hammer:
  5. Thark

    Mining finder radius fake

    This has tons of assumptions, stated and implied. It seems you are proposing a way to test this system, you have partially outlined here and partially designed in your head? Sure, test this, but make sure you state your goals clearly and design it well, at least to yourself. Especially what you...
  6. Thark

    Entropia Nexus - My take on a wiki I guess

    yeah I updated chrome, didnt fix it. deactivating all extensions doesnt work either. But using incognito does, which is good enough for me. thank you!!
  7. Thark

    Entropia Nexus - My take on a wiki I guess

    unrelated to the above but does anyone else not see the stats of items correctly on chrome? I mean, when looking at a weapon for example, the right most window, with the picture and stuff like dps, eff etc. On edge these seem to be in different rows grouped together. On Chrome they seem to be in...
  8. chrome.JPG


  9. edge.JPG


  10. Thark

    Info: Factorization Array

    math part is missing, I bolded the part that needs you to fill in your actual insights. Also, you said youd post your code in the mining forum? cant find it :( Most of this is just fluff, just ui and saving stuff and the interesting part is missing? Chatgpt interprets your prompt but the part...
  11. Thark

    Selling: Ziplex P160, P50, P30

  12. Thark

    Selling: Ziplex P160, P50, P30

    Hey, trying to sell these finders. I guess I got lucky while not finding a rare :lolup: lemme know what you need. Currently on Cyrene tho. cheers
  13. Thark

    News: Summer Mayhem 2024

    Is fun yeah. I was thinking this style of instance could even be made into some player skill challenge. Like, some preset avatar/skills/equip, and then super hard but with that randomness of buff turned to 11. I dunno if this needs to cost much or reward anything besides maybe a title you could...
  14. Thark

    Selling: Chronos Foot Guards (M)

  15. Thark

    Selling: Chronos Foot Guards (M)

    Got a few offers and was able to talk to someone about prices. Current offer in first post, I'd like to sell by sunday evening. Also added a BO of 3k. Cheers
  16. Thark

    Selling: Chronos Foot Guards (M)

    Sold: +2.200
  17. Thark

    Buying: Renting WW BP (unL)

    That stinks! So I did it the expensive way, considering the Nawa situation. I could maybe still rent the unL version for the hand ins? So if you have one, and dont feel like clicking it yourself, let me know! Cheers
  18. Thark

    Entropia Nexus - My take on a wiki I guess

    Hey, Im getting: 500 Internal Error on a lot sites. Is that a thing on my end?
  19. Thark

    Buying: Renting WW BP (unL)

    Hey, not sure these are still a thing, I was told they might not be? But, I'd like to rent one for a few days to finish the 500 Ped crafting thingy for resource mayhem. colateral is no problem. Let me know what you think its worth to rent it for a bit. Cheers
  20. Thark

    News: Server Downtime for Release

    Is this a PP update too? Must be right?
  21. Thark

    Buying: never mind

    plans changed, thank you for the nice chats!
  22. Thark

    FYI: Minning Log - Road to ath? or Mindark Broken System?

    interesting, maybe Im doing something wrong then! Do you still get 30%ish hit rate?
  23. Thark

    FYI: Minning Log - Road to ath? or Mindark Broken System?

    Same here. I just assumed the new expected return is 90%. Or maybe there is a bug somehow but I'm pretty stable at 90ish tt return with 30ish hit rate.