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  1. V

    What to Expect?

    I don't understand what you mean
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    What Floats your Musical Boat, At this Very Second :)

    Aurli with Raury
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    News: Mini Mayhem - Crystal Palace

    I was accompanied by a player for few months and was often reminded of the dynamic rates and its change in the game. My question is whether these rates are done in the same way as now.
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    News: Mini Mayhem - Crystal Palace

    "I have no idea, and my interest in everything in general is declining... you better ask them how often the duty button employee makes changes". This was answered to me in the game when I asked if my return every day is different and depends on. What is your answer?
  5. V

    Are there MA players in the game?

    What you are saying seems like an assumption that I would not have paid attention to a few days ago, but now it makes sense. Do you think that all this would be fix in the future or the game will always be corrupt only for the benefit of those players?
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    Are there MA players in the game?

    What I was told was about the friendships between old players and MA workers. Which creates inequalities in poor information in the game. In private cases, to which MA workers serve the interests of their friends, which is a disregard for all others and even threats to ban in conflict of...
  7. V

    Are there MA players in the game?

    Is it true that there are MA players in the game. GM clan? I don't have good memories of private servers involving GM intervention, so I was very surprised to hear that about this game. Is it or is it a myth?
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    Low PC configuration for Unreal 5

    I was thinking of buying another computer that would work well after the update, because my current one is old. Looks like I have to struggle until the update. Thank you, I thought it was unknown only to me.
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    Low PC configuration for Unreal 5

    Hello. Some guidelines because I don't understand computers. What PC configuration will be required for Unreal 5 for low or maybe medium requirements? Something simple that is not expensive but works normally. An exemplary PC would also be good. Thank you.
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    Huge endless hunting trip

    Are you trolls or idiots ?
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    Suggestion: Sick of bots

    why they don't ban the player's account if he really has 24h activity? this is a sufficient that the player is a cheater
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    Suggestion: Sick of bots

    Does this mean that you visit their office for every withdrawal? In which country do they have offices?
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    how can i make 200 ped profit

    I understand the difficulty of earning a PED so I set a random amount of 200. 600 precarious dollars monthly are below the poverty line to invest such sums for game. I don't understand why others do it. Maybe they have reasons. But this is not for me. Thank you for the comments
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    how can i make 200 ped profit

    Hello, I'm almost new, I received some tips on how to play, but all the time I'm struggling to get back what I lost. isn't the idea of RCE we to play at a profit and not at a loss or to recoup our loss. Do any of you manage to make 200 ped profit every day? what bank do i need for this? Sorry...
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    Suggestion: Sick of bots

    unbelievable. was there a result of your case, ban?