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  1. Mcveith

    Akoz' Ultimate Event : Registration Thread

    !Register Simon Mcveith Baptista
  2. Mcveith

    Event: EU World Boxing Championships 2011

    Hi! If some players need tranport to Zeus for the EUWBC, i can give an help, just call me! :cool:
  3. Mcveith

    Event: EU World Boxing Championships 2011

    Inscription! Hi all! Im in! :cool: Simon Mcveith Baptista SOC: Utopia HP: 130 - Lightweight - (129 to 130) :)
  4. Mcveith

    O2's Art thread

    Hi! Good pictures you have here! :) Go go go! :)
  5. Mcveith

    Can someone help me with this problem!?

    this problem is solved! Tks anyway! :)
  6. Mcveith

    Can someone help me with this problem!?

    Hi all! I uninstall my EU, and then when i try to make another installation (reinstall), i cant do it well. I download the EU downloader, then i run it, it install the EU downloader and when its says in game launch window, "reparing dynamic content", it cant finish him. The error thats happen to...
  7. Mcveith

    EU World Boxing Championships - Draw, Results and Schedule

    Thanks! And Good Luck Cappy! :cool:
  8. Mcveith

    Hi Lexie! ; )

    Hi Lexie! ; )
  9. Mcveith

    Ah! então desculpe lá, Dr mineiro!! :P

    Ah! então desculpe lá, Dr mineiro!! :P
  10. Mcveith

    Event: EU World Boxing Championships 2010 – Sponsored by FPC

    Jumping? Hi Oleg! In first time, Gratz for this event, will be amazing i think! I have one doubt at moment, after reading the rules of the context, i want to know if i can jump in battle, or if exist any diference (points!) betwen a jumper fighter and a fighter that do not jump? Thanks! Good...
  11. Mcveith

    Event: EU World Boxing Championships 2010 – Sponsored by FPC

    Hi all! I´m in!! Name: Simon Mcveith Baptista HP: 120 (lightweitht) Soc: Utopia
  12. Mcveith

    Boas Zé! Já me passaste a frente no traker hã!! : )

    Boas Zé! Já me passaste a frente no traker hã!! : )
  13. Mcveith

    FYI: Hiring Contract Hunters

    Hello all! Im interested in hunt or mining for you! Please contact me to ask your questions! Thanks, Mcveith.
  14. Mcveith

    Uber: 31057 PED Frescoquda Old

    Nice big hoF!!! Say welcome for the next! ;)
  15. Mcveith

    Algarve 2010 Meeting - Utopia & Friends

    Amazing!! Hi all! Great photos here!! That meeting was impossible to went, i hope to join you in a next meeting! Looks like all of you are good guys! (Tomba não sabia que eras cantor! :P) Greatings to all from, Simon Mcveith Baptista. :cool:
  16. Mcveith

    WoF 2010: Team Portugal

    hi all! I cant enter in this links! can someone do something! thanks! :lolup:
  17. Mcveith

    WoF 2010: Team Portugal

    Hi everyone!! Now is my time to help my country!! My name: Simon Mcveith Baptista I agree as Manique as captain! ;) Lets make a diference! :)
  18. Mcveith

    boas!! já te adicionei! :)

    boas!! já te adicionei! :)
  19. Mcveith

    Entropia and Windows7!?

    hi all! Im very confused now with that all tryings ive make, the bug are the same! I know people who have windons7 and works fine, but with me is always the same error. And im getting tired with this sh** problem .. Tks anyway!!
  20. Mcveith

    Entropia and Windows7!?

    Hi! :) Whats mean DNA btw? I´m gonna try to reinstall the game again! And lets see what happen! I hope that error disapear! :P Tks! :)
  21. Mcveith

    Entropia and Windows7!?

    hi! Yes i´ve tryed in "run as adminitrator" and nothinhg happens! only this error when i try to lunch Entropia: Windows cannot find D:\\bin32\Entropia.exe. Make sure you typed the name correctly, and then try again. Tks for helping me! :)
  22. Mcveith

    Entropia and Windows7!?

    Hello all! i make this new upgrade in Entropia Universe, but when i make the instalation i report some errors, and now when i enter in the launcher i cant enter in game. I make an reinstall of Entropia, but without luck! Can someone tells me what I can do? Tks!
  23. Mcveith

    oi :) adicionei-te! gl ;)

    oi :) adicionei-te! gl ;)
  24. Mcveith

    eheheh! boas!! :)

    eheheh! boas!! :)
  25. Mcveith

    Im making "Service Fap" - Please help me skill! - Only need to charge my fap, i do the rest! -...

    Im making "Service Fap" - Please help me skill! - Only need to charge my fap, i do the rest! - Dont need to pay anything, and can take your time!! Thanks for all suport!!! Level 11 Paramedic FAP-80 Ek- 2600