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  1. K

    congratulations to messi

    He's one of MA mascots so you can see what is possible in this game but never get it. This game is massive fraud. Same players different year.
  2. K

    FYI: Globals not affecting camera location

    Completely diffrent game since January of 2018 and i dont enjoy it as i used to, but who cares :laugh:
  3. K

    Info: Ricks 2019 FEN hunting Thread.

    Totaly agree on forced depos, not long after 2.0 i was paying 150$ a week and i got to the point where i constantly loosing, anything i did was a loss (right after MM finished), i completely changed the way i play. Found out many new things and came to conclusion that i have to depo more. After...
  4. K

    Question: How should loot work in Entropia

    Lol ok, i was expecting that. Before i write something sorry for my rusty english. First of all MA has to decide if they want millionare playground with few thousand players or they want regular people playground with lets say 100k+ active players. So as a costumer why would i pay 1k$/month to...
  5. K

    Question: How should loot work in Entropia

    Devalue the PED vs USD 10x, making game more affordable to anyone. Market would get fresh new restart self atdaption and ped card would be more flexible, so instead of loosing 10$ you lose 1$. Loot should be like crafting you can go for quantity or quality. Quanitity for globs and less chance of...
  6. K

    FEN Event Phase Two

    Thats why i only read forum, this game is a no chance for newbies and avg players, pay big to play
  7. K

    High HR = key to succes !!!

    Try, this most likely will help you with HR, how much, its up to you.
  8. K

    Money is power – MindArk business model based on (lack of) trust.

    5k-10k$ i referred to eco skilling up to atleast 80lvl(hit) , skill exchange should be changed to skill transfering mechanism and end GSI/ESI era. There is just too much skills in the game, 900% (esi) makes most skills totaly worthless
  9. K

    Money is power – MindArk business model based on (lack of) trust.

    The game is too damn expensive for new players. 100$ are ok for a start, but 5k-10k$ to be a mid/high lvl player is wayyy too much
  10. K

    MA is leading an unfair game

    Share your problem with Bramley HunterZ Tex it could be 9years since he's waiting :)
  11. K

    Great memories, greater expectations

    I went through this nine months ago. The game is worth few bucks to try meyham or some caly event to realise nothing has changed.
  12. K

    Achievement: Gone Commando

    15lvl to go, long way but ill make it. Huge gratz. Try daily token guns.
  13. K

    Is this game only for millionaires now ?

    Try to stick with Animal Muscle Oil on lower mobs and go for spleen or heart oil if you go all in. Bankroll is everything. Im level 58blp hit and i feel you i got same problems since i dont have big bank roll and nice ul gun i log in to check bonus dailys. Never go just for iron mission thats a...
  14. K

    Is this game only for millionaires now ?

    Try to stick with Animal Muscle Oil on lower mobs and go for spleen or heart oil if you go all in. Bankroll is everything. Im level 58blp hit and i feel you i got same problems since i dont have big bank roll and nice ul gun i log in to check bonus dailys. Never go just for iron mission thats a...
  15. K

    Halloween Mayhem 2018 Preview

    give me some of this halloween magic
  16. K

    Buying: Isis CB26 unlimited

    Looking for Isis CB26. Rifle has huge tt so lower is better. Any tier rates. Send me offers here or ingame Lethal Greeneyed Kokaburra. Thanks in advance
  17. K

    Isis CB26 PriceCheck

    Not the best efficiency but still better than paying MU for limited gun, many thanks for the hint.
  18. K

    Isis CB26 PriceCheck

    Price check for this fine piece of rifle. Isis CB 26
  19. K

    FEN Event Announcement

    Only way for me to participate in this FEN event is to buy tokens from uberish players. lol how fckin stupid is that. Fuck FEN. good luck top10
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    Make pvp great agan.
  21. K

    September BONUS Event - Guaranteed 3000 PED Payout!

    Lethal Greeneyed Kokaburra
  22. K

    Letter from the CEO

    make slot machine grate again.
  23. K

    Mindark, make us happy NOW!

    Expand player base and please enough with the fake loot waves from shared mobs.
  24. K

    Who is with me?

    Once i had same problem, fixed it in one week at halloweens event, 1k zombie mutant and 3.5k lyst week later, still boycotting the game after totaly dumb return system after 4months of constant lose since 14.01.18
  25. K

    Mindark Annual report 2018

    I dont have to count player who left, but i know many and even more who do only events. Please stop pretending that player base of this game is infinite. As i undarstood from anual report that MA is in trouble allready and its 7 months of 2.0? Best wishes exploring 2.0. I dont have bankroll...