Industrialist skill opened - 60 level in Attachment Engineer.
The matter is that it was done practically honestly, "by hand".
Profs start to move much faster after that :) . Though I understand it will be for short time, after reaching Industrialist skill to 3-4k the effect start to be much...
Buying Rextelum DNA samples. I mean -after mayhem competition.
I'm usually at Fort Argus, auction near TP. Any one from Hyperborean soc can help to know am I online or not.
first my Canis was sold at Entropia auction for tt+12k (not ones which I declared here of course). So we have now price......
3 days left for this auction !
Well, I'm 20 level hunter, so I can't use this rifle: going to sell it at full tt. On the other hand, I may wait some time (a week?) after auction to let you gather money.