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  1. Shmuzzy

    PC: Shop

    nah, bid is 4.7k, a little too expensive for me :(
  2. Shmuzzy

    PC: Shop

    Hi guys, I was wondering what a relatively big shop (preferably deer mall) would cost me? I'm on a 4k budget, so I'm hoping around that :)
  3. Shmuzzy

    PC: Quad-Wing UL

    anyone know who has the Trailblazer and Torchbearer atm? I think those are the ones that haven't only been sold by their original owners.
  4. Shmuzzy

    PC: Quad-Wing UL

    I guess that depends on whether the people who got them from MA (for free) would be willing to sell.
  5. Shmuzzy

    PC: Quad-Wing UL

    I was wondering what the going price for UL Quad-Wings is, or if I'd be able to buy one for 3-4k?
  6. Shmuzzy

    Looking At Buying A House

    Anybody got pics of different houses? I'm also interested in the houses that look like old temples.
  7. Shmuzzy

    Looking At Buying A House

    I am looking at buying a house, but have a few questions first. - Would I be able to get a reasonably sized house for 10k? - Are there any sci-fi themed houses?
  8. Shmuzzy

    Help: Skilling Material Designer

    are there any good bps for skilling the lower levels, or should i just stick with Large Striped Cotton Fabric?
  9. Shmuzzy

    Help: Skilling Material Designer

    I was wondering what the best way to skill the Material Designer profession is? I am level 0 right now.
  10. Shmuzzy

    Question: Mothership Price Check

    What is the current price of motherships, and would I be right in assuming I could purchase one of the cheaper ones for around 60k PED?
  11. Shmuzzy

    Question: Privateer For Mothership

    I was just wondering if anyone thought it would be possible to sell an upgraded privateer and use the money to buy a mothership?
  12. Shmuzzy

    Question: Privateer Pricing

    Recent events have limited my budget to about 30k, so I will put up a buying thread and hope for the best. I don't care about structural integrity, fuel, or engineering devices, so maybe that will attract a seller.
  13. Shmuzzy

    Question: Privateer Pricing

    okay, thanks for your help ;) I guess I`ll put a buying thread up at 35k :D
  14. Shmuzzy

    Question: Privateer Pricing

    So you don't think I'll get a seller offering 35k? Or do you mean I have a better chance offering 40k?
  15. Shmuzzy

    Question: Privateer Pricing

    Hey guys, I`m thinking about purchasing a privateer, and was wondering if an price of 35k PED would be reasonable to offer?
  16. Shmuzzy

    Question: How to buy an OLA?

    How do you go about buying an Outback Land Area, is it a deed on auction, or do you have to go somewhere? And what is the average price for these lots?
  17. Shmuzzy

    Buying: Shopkeeper(s)

    ill sell mine in full condition for 3k ped. PM me your answer.
  18. Shmuzzy

    Buying: Shopkeeper

    ill sell for 2.9k ped
  19. Shmuzzy

    Selling: **!Selling!** Apartment with storage terminal

    I will buy for 270 PED. You won't get much more judging by the interest of this post :confused:
  20. Shmuzzy

    Buying: Apartment

    I am looking to buy an apartment to run my business from. It doesn't have to be big, but I would like multiple rooms. I am willing to pay 260-270 PED. Post here to offer.