Search results

  1. Johned

    Buying: WTB Dr. Almon Duchev Logs

    I have a full set and unfortunately do not have any extras and I am not ready to part with mine yet. A few things about these logs (for history), there were only 19 total logs. There were only 9 players that collected a full set to obtain the award, which was the "Ach O Torment's Tainted...
  2. Johned

    Suggestion: MindArk DVLog (Developer Video Log)

    I agree, that would be beneficial.
  3. Johned

    Greetings & Salutations

    Welcome to EU, i hope you enjoy it. I am your next door neighbor (Montana)
  4. Johned

    Calling out to the Entropia community

    Thank you for giving me a reason to smile today. Frankly I would have just cut it off, but I am glad you were able to save it with out too much pain.
  5. Johned

    What do you make of this...... (Mobtrain)

    Agreed, nothing like the trains that overwhelmed the turrets and made it into twin
  6. Johned

    State of PCF and pcf community

    I seldom post anymore, but I do check in every few days to skim messages. The negativity on the forums are not unique to Project Entropia. I read a lot of forums and message boards and over the past several years there has been progression in the amount of negativity and personal attacks.
  7. Johned

    WoF Team Eudoria

    Awesome team today, I enjoyed participating with all of you
  8. Johned

    About the biggest scam in EU history

    Didn't mudkicker also use a bloodstar to carve a pumpkin or something?
  9. Johned

    FYI: Taming: the waiting...

    You might be thinking of this thread but I don't think there was any promise on Kim's part to implement fishing. I miss taming :-(
  10. Johned

    EU/Calypso is still amazing

    Welcome back, have a blast!:yay:
  11. Johned

    Spike n me hittin the Beetles

    Gratz on the swirls and glad to see you guys are giving us on caly a chance to loot a Beer at the bar
  12. Johned

    Argo Scout Leaderboard

    I buy a lottery ticket because I might win, when I recently went to vegas I did a little gambling because I might win, when I enter an MA contest I do it because I might win. I never expect to win knowing that the odds are against me and I never spend more on a lottery ticket, gambling, or...
  13. Johned

    Help: Shared hidden skills

    Foxhound, Go to and click on skills. Sort the skill chart by the hidden column twice and all of the unlockable skills will be at the start of the list. You can then see which professions contribute to unlocking that skill. Hope that answers your question,welcome to...
  14. Johned

    Argo Scout Leaderboard

    Gratz to the winners. The globals did not seem to come my way, highest loot was around 44 ped but I did not loose to much.
  15. Johned

    FYI: Happy anniversary to all Tamers

    I sure miss taming, I was just looking at my whips hanging in my apartment a few weeks ago wondering if there would ever be a use for them again. I really had faith that MA was bringing in back when they said they were. Looks like the new management is not so keen on it though.
  16. Johned

    Apology for being crabby :)

    LMAO, i was the person you accidently killed that sparked that entire episode. I stated two or three tiimes in chat that it did not bother me but it did not seem to stop those that were giving you grief. The Hydra was killing me plenty of times and I had no problems with you shooting me...
  17. Johned

    Entropia Universe 12.6.1 Release Notes

    OMGosh look who is here! Welcome back, it is nice to see you.
  18. Johned

    Achievement: Finally, 10K daik

    I had the same thought and was wondering why i was not hunting daiks :lolup: Gratz!
  19. Johned

    Sea Level?

    Just because the inhabitants of the planet earth decided to use a measuring system that started with sea level being 0 does not mean that all planents in the universe needed to do the same.
  20. Johned

    New player looking for Society

    You are more than welcome to look at the Gloryhound Irregulars and see if we might be a fit for you. We have a lot of hounds in the european time zones and have members at all levels and professions. Edit: Also many of the hounds are in your age range - I am a bit older at 48.
  21. Johned

    New player looking for Society

    Hi and welcome to EU. It might be helpful to post your timezone and what times you will generally be on. Many societies have members from around the world, but some are more active in certain time zones.
  22. Johned

    Las Vegas Babbbbyyyyyy.....

    I am going to be there the 13th -15th and plan on seeing Penn and Teller for sure, we have not decided on other shows. I saw Carrot Top when I was there about 4 years ago and was suprised at how much I enjoyed it. It was quite different than what I had seen on TV.
  23. Johned

    Screenshots from Calypso Gateway 2.0

    Thanks Kim, that looks nice! Are you considering continuing to use the Advisor's? Many of us are still logging onto the old Gateway when time permits to provide some guidance.
  24. Johned

    Im a MONSTER!

    As I read your post it appears that you admit that you are Eva Hotshot Love and also Elizabeth Smith Flower and who knows who else that have active accounts on this forum.
  25. Johned

    Im a MONSTER!

    Does not mean anyone should trust you. An elaborate post that is not very believable and more than likely designed as part of another scam you are working on.