Search results

  1. S

    Buying: Closed

    WTB [Restoration Chip, Adjusted] tt+2900. Price is firm. Message me BOTH in game and on the forums please.~~
  2. S

    Rescue Mission 40 PEDS

    I'll do it for free. whats your avatar name Edit: I guess you already got a ride since there is no one here
  3. S

    Buying: closed

  4. S

    Merp Swamp

    You guys do realize there is a merp stalker land area right? :yay::yay:
  5. S

    Soliciting Vehicle Feedback for a Special Project

    How mobs change agro from a person inside a vehicle to a person hunting needs to be changed. It really is frustrating when you are hunting merp/atrox and someone in a vehicle trains 20+ mobs on you. (most of the time it is not on purpose)
  6. S

    Kub's mining adventures

  7. S


    test test test test test test
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    test test test test test
  9. S

    100 Globals: The quest

    grats I'm rooting for you:yay:
  10. S


    I tried raising the price of sweat awhile back... might have to start again... its going to be hard with nexus at 150% though