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  1. S

    Rare mayhem token info

    Thanks for breaking it down. I knew something must have been going on when I finally dropped one lol
  2. S

    HoF: Rare token looted

    After 1967 (my birth year) rare tokens dropped I finally looted one from a Daikiba 05 This leads me to believe that either: a) They will now drop like rain and everyone will have 5 by the end of the next mayhem. b) By the time I loot some more tokens (I spent all mine on L guns) MA will stop...
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    Selling: Full Phantom(M) - great for Mayhem

    daily bump.
  4. S

    Selling: Full Phantom(M) - great for Mayhem

    With it's cold and elec protection this is good for all the Mayhems. Buyout: +2.2k Contact me here or in game 'snake slither hellfire'
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    What Floats your Musical Boat, At this Very Second :)

    Co-written by Terry Hall (above) and Jane Wiedlin of the Go-Go's and released 2 years earlier than the Fun Boy Three version
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    What Floats your Musical Boat, At this Very Second :)

    It's that time of year again
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    Selling: Full Phantom (M)

    daily bump.
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    Known Avatar Health in Entropia

    A wimpy 392 here.
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    Selling: Full Phantom (M)

    Selling full male Phantom Price: +2k Contact me here or in game 'snake slither hellfire'
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    Selling: [Exceptional Kriegerum Mayhem G.2 Gauss Rifle, Perfected (L)]

    Selling full tt [Exceptional Kriegerum Mayhem G.2 Gauss Rifle, Perfected (L)] Tier rate is 164 Price is 2500ped incl tt (1923%) Contact me here or in game 'snake slither hellfire'
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    News: Black Weekend Deals

    edit: my error They're giving more pills and H-DNA
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    What Floats your Musical Boat, At this Very Second :)

    Oh wow, talk about nostalgia. Haven't heard this one in decades. You made this 57 year old feel 17 again, total flashback to underage nightclub partying :)
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    Info: Useful CDF Resource Mayhem Info

    Getting a few gems is a hell of a lot easier than looting them in mayhem or via boxes. I missed them last time but at least I have some hope, you can't expect MA to hand you loot just because you click a lot.
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    ESI / Chip in/out - Help the economy

    Why would anyone want to take away good loot and hand it over to MA? The solution to ESI's is to increase the drop rate and at least then players could still get some markup from them. The major problem is the amount of skills in the game these days. The solution to that is to create...
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    MA could let them rot in storage, nobody can really complain, but it would be a nice gesture to do something like letting us trade them for mayhem tokens.
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    Info: Expectional vendor item fruit tests

    You could value tokens at 0.25 when the best thing you could get was pills, but now there's far better things to buy with them so their value obviously goes up.
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    Mayhem (L) items - A gauss comparison

    If we work with the numbers given in this thread efficiency is worth approx 0.07% per 1% efficiency. An armatrix rifle...
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    Info: Expectional vendor item fruit tests

    add a p20 or even a p30 for even more shots (.008 decay or .007 decay) Also, there's a fair amount of running, looting, healing, targeting while hunting so it's going to last longer due to that.
  19. S

    Info: Expectional vendor item fruit tests

    130ped tt = 13,000pec 0.01pec per shot is 100 shots per pec 13,000 * 100 = 1,300,000 shots