Search results

  1. Deano

    WoF 2014: Team Guinea

    Lets raise awareness for Ebola, if this is not a pissing contest we can possibly make a small difference. how about getting over who is pissed off at who and make a real effort to combat this real threat to everyone.
  2. Deano

    WoF 2014: Team Guinea

    I am in! I am here to put my gun in the pile, for the elimination of Ebola.
  3. Deano

    Help: Stuck on Privateer

    dead in space Lost connection near athena space station.. now dead in space and cannot revive.
  4. Deano

    Nostalgia thread: Once upon a time in Entropia......

    Once upon a time...It didnt take a supercomputer to run this freakin game!
  5. Deano

    Selling: Selling: Full Gnome armor set Unlimited, and x7 Armor plating Mk.2C

    Sorry folks, its been a while. bids are accepted and buyout offers are considered "In post". there is no set buyout. lets give it 3 days from now for auction end. once again, I am sorry about the lack of information, its been too long since Ive attempted to sell anything on the forums.
  6. Deano

    Selling: Selling: Full Gnome armor set Unlimited, and x7 Armor plating Mk.2C

    Sb on both items :yay: I will accept buyout bids, but only in post.
  7. Deano

    gonna revamp the way I play :D

    gonna revamp the way I play :D
  8. Deano

    Selling: Selling: Full Gnome armor set Unlimited, and x7 Armor plating Mk.2C

    Total TT for the Gnome set is 28.18, The bids will start at 35 ped. Total TT for the armor plate set is 55.47, The bids will start at 56 ped. All bids in post, no private offers please. Happy bidding
  9. Deano

    FAIRPLAY... Exist in this game?

    Its "Dynamic" ......... :D
  10. Deano

    1 Crafting/Tailoring Tip Each

    My tip: Have a backup plan for the case of total failure. I am a non-depositer now, and I always make sure that I have peds for other ventures (I.E. Mining/hunting) before crafting.
  11. Deano

    Choose the worst mob to camp and I'll camp it

    My vote - Hiryuu - The only mob ive never had a loot over 1 ped. may they not make the next VU.
  12. Deano

    abusive focusers

    hey, didnt look at the date. just saw something that peaked my interest. no ill will intended. but since you mention it, what does it matter?
  13. Deano

    abusive focusers

    Isnt 'Utopia' the opposite of 'Entropia' with utopia meaning perfection and entropia(Entropy) meaning decay.....
  14. Deano

    The Reinvention of Planet Calypso

    Thank you, Very informative. :yay:
  15. Deano

    The true meaning of perception

    I like perception, It keeps us trying to figure out things. Perception in my opinion, is merely a way for MA to keep you on your toes. it really doesn’t affect anything at all. the perception skill gains are totally random, and they cause people to spend the extra bomb, probe, ammo to find the...
  16. Deano

    The Reinvention of Planet Calypso

    Self LAg Ive been out of the picture for a looooong time it would seem. When is this wonderfull VU 10.0 coming? OH BTW........TACO!
  17. Deano

    abusive focusers

    I like to say " Hey Fucknose!. lose the focus chip! Time to leave me alone!" :P j/k I have been in both positions, I apologize to anyone I have focused that did not want/need it. and Next time I will read local chat! :) and to those who have focused me after I said "please no focus", -pay...
  18. Deano

    Boo! ahhh!! scared myself

    Boo! ahhh!! scared myself
  19. Deano

    Selling: Full Nemesis (F)

    Auction has ended, buyer has recieved their item and I have been paid :)
  20. Deano

    Selling: Full Nemesis (F)

    Bump for 09-29-08