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  1. Angela Draniie Cloud

    News: Notice regarding TT Value Restoration

    You can't ban the whole player base silly
  2. Angela Draniie Cloud

    News: Notice regarding TT Value Restoration

    Even better they have saving mechanisms to know exactly when and what item someone TT's and still charges for it like it takes them $100 worth of time to do.
  3. Angela Draniie Cloud

    Suggestion: Give players the ability to modify looted M<>F items

    Like Atomic said, this is a silly reason to continue to do something that basically no other game does. Mindark controls the drop rates...they caused a problem that should have never been an issue in the first place.
  4. Angela Draniie Cloud

    Price Check: Basic, empty, barren Land Area

    Buy an apartment/house. 50x cheaper. Do you really want to drop 5-20k in a more or less dying game just to do dumb shit? Could do that in so many other better looking, more customizable sandbox games.
  5. Angela Draniie Cloud

    Price Check: Basic, empty, barren Land Area

    If it makes you feel better, All LA's are trash LA's except a couple. Basically every mob can be found with good mu outside those LA's AND just as good density. Anyone who hunts on LA's besides competitions is silly. BUT I can't stress enough how important constant communication and events on...
  6. Angela Draniie Cloud

    🚀 Version Update Teaser! 🚀

    These were such a super cool design too. It stinks they are or aren't maybe probably in the game.
  7. Angela Draniie Cloud

    What's the most efficient build for hunting mid-sized mobs?

    Mathematically, with an amp it has better dpp and efficiency. Thus mathematically would serve you better amped.
  8. Angela Draniie Cloud

    News: Statement Regarding the Future of Mayhem

    Ugh miners just got space hunting 2.0
  9. Angela Draniie Cloud

    What's the most efficient build for hunting mid-sized mobs?

    Lr40 fen is fine for those mobs. Can easily crack 100dps which is fine for 2k hp mob. I will NEVER say untradable anything in this game is worth getting for the price(unless extremely cheap to get vs other options) They said they want to be efficient. Enigma isn’t efficient. Getting horns of...
  10. Angela Draniie Cloud

    What's the most efficient build for hunting mid-sized mobs?

    Mod viceroy is such a scam. Can get equal armor and more buffs for less than the cycle/mu needed to make mod viceroy. And can actually sell it all back. Seek the fun and rings. Aim for maybe lr-40fen (22-26k) and if you want to spend more halloween 22 and ares perf. If you want to spend less...
  11. Angela Draniie Cloud

    Selling: BIG Industries FOR SALE

    Any update on this
  12. Angela Draniie Cloud

    News: Winners Of Free-For-All 2024

    And still don’t even break even 😂
  13. Angela Draniie Cloud

    News: Winners Of Free-For-All 2024

    HA Looking at the amount of points. Whether they collected themselves or bought them. I don't think a single one will profit from this.
  14. Angela Draniie Cloud

    Question: How often do you have a good tt + return hunt?

    Are you including MU in this? I know you do the gorgon wave A LOT or at least did it a lot. So I'd be interested if there's a bug in the gorgon wave that's paying out more than it "should"
  15. Angela Draniie Cloud

    Question: How often do you have a good tt + return hunt?

    It feels just like the rest of the game. Shallow and uninteresting. Between mob design, loot design, how combat works, constantly having mobs go unreachable. Even globalling or Hofing doesn’t even look good! You get a dinky ass swirl that looks like it was made in 5 minutes in Microsoft paint...
  16. Angela Draniie Cloud

    FYI: Apprentice Healer Seeking

    Not many people need such a small un efficient healer unless they are being friendly. I’d suggest at the bare minimum doing the cyrene quest line where you get a rank 6 heart for minimal cycle needed. Even then, very very few people need that low of healing still. I’d definitely try to net...
  17. Angela Draniie Cloud

    Question: How often do you have a good tt + return hunt?

    Id say is not even worth posting due to how inaccurate it is. You’d be even when using the sword over 3.2dpp I honestly would calculate your tt return being over 90% with how incorrect your dpp is. And posting it in multiple places while not accurately tracking is just dishonest and could turn...
  18. Angela Draniie Cloud

    why on earth getting shrapnel with space mining?

    Oh we just trolling, I wish I knew that earlier.
  19. Angela Draniie Cloud

    Info: when will mindark finaly fix the lootable pvp bug

    They don't care about PVE, Mining or Crafting either. Why care about the 12 PvPers?
  20. Angela Draniie Cloud

    Question: How often do you have a good tt + return hunt?

    Yeah Loot tally messes up quite a bit, I've heard other complaints from it. Not saying it's bad, but it likes to fuck up during longer hunts. I'd honestly say your tt return is probably 10% higher then that bare minimum. I assume you use equipment buffs like rings as well. Mathematically it...
  21. Angela Draniie Cloud

    Info: when will mindark finaly fix the lootable pvp bug

    Make it happen, don’t be a chicken. Bawk bawk. I don’t have a course to teach until this afternoon
  22. Angela Draniie Cloud

    Info: when will mindark finaly fix the lootable pvp bug

    Hold on yall, I’m not at work yet.
  23. Angela Draniie Cloud

    why on earth getting shrapnel with space mining?

    Go hunt with a very very low dpp weapon and then a regular dpp weapon. Look at anyones trustworthy loot analysis, Look at exactly what MINDARK has said time and time again. Use a snowballer and the a solomate azuro on the same mob Snowballer you’ll get only shrapnel and the azuro you’ll get...
  24. Angela Draniie Cloud

    Shops, Apts, LA etc.

    Once they release, prices on those things will plummet too