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  1. sententz

    Current Population Count

    the game deff need a boost of people and to boost people you need advertisement everywhere and to use big gaming platforms and/or trading platforms. I realy dont see what is so hard. In this way all skills will boost up in price, crafting, mining and hunting also. Ingame paid advertisement for...
  2. sententz

    News: Genesis Visual Update

    no, i will, thank you
  3. sententz

    News: Genesis Visual Update

    It say 'entropia.exe is already running' when i push launch. Never hapend this . The program seems it works in the task manager, but i cant see it or use it. Anyone know why ?
  4. sententz

    Question: UI Release: Feedback Thread Part 2

    Feedback Title: entropia.exe cant see it, seems is working but i cant see it to log in Description: Current: cant log in Suggested: [Describe your suggested change.] Reason:i log in for 5 mins or so, then game crashed or something and after that i just can see the window to log in...
  5. sententz

    News: Genesis Visual Update

    the game just dont log anymore, the window for logging is just not showing, anyone have this problem ? entropia.exe just dont want to start? someone have this problem?
  6. sententz

    Question: UI Release: Feedback Thread

  7. sententz

    Question: UI Release: Feedback Thread

    for trading, super bad , when you make a sell, is just spliting in 2, crazy. For auction is so bad, i gone cry. :)
  8. sententz

    Everything Down ?

    its Sonic:eyecrazy:
  9. sententz

    Help: D3D Error after VU17 release.

    shading quality and shadows quality have big problems on lower settings, check this MA!:eyecrazy::eyecrazy:
  10. sententz

    Help: D3D Error after VU17 release.

    man...this is just stupid....stupid beyond words, wrong and stupid. People make the game to work after the main vu and after yerstaday upgrade, alot of people are fucked up again. Is just no respect, every fucking vu or upgrade make problems everytime? you guys realy do not see this? these are...
  11. sententz

    Entropia Universe 17.0 Release Notes

    video is too great, but if MA dont lower the minimum graphics...or to make an extra lower safe mode now with this upgrade, very soon will be online maximum 50% of number of players was before the upgrade. At least for few months or a year for people to upgrade themselfs. As a very strong point...
  12. sententz

    Upgraded Graphics Engine in the Next Release

    shit, i dont even want to imagine what will be :scratch2:, video cards, software changes etc etc
  13. sententz

    Entropia Universe 16.5.0 Release Notes

    MA , dear lads, dear folks, dear good people!!! i hope you guys understand that this ''95% error'' fuck this game and like 20-30% less players every fucking time for a few days or weeks(like last time). You guys realy need to put more resurces into this problem. :wise:. p.s. or you guys...
  14. sententz

    Entropia Universe 16.3.2 Release Notes

    yes, this is a realy realy big problem, i dont understand what they do. 2 weeks, i mean what they do?
  15. sententz

    Entropia Universe 16.3.2 Release Notes

    these maintaince guys start to become funny now :), fucking joke :lolup:, is just ...CRAZY man !!!
  16. sententz

    Entropia Universe 16.3.2 Release Notes

    the ideea is to concentrate the resurces on these two problems: players+deposits which come from more platforms+better maintenance., not to spend everything on petcom and virtual coins. Are many games on at least 3 platforms, you can look at top 10 games with most turnover. I hope you got...
  17. sententz

    Entropia Universe 16.3.2 Release Notes

    Message to MA CEO! With all the respect I have for you to realize this glorious virtual world and for the work that has been going on all these years....entropia need to be ready and made available for all platforms posible and imposible, including people for the maintenance, this issue must...
  18. sententz

    Entropia Universe 16.3.2 Release Notes

    same here yes, i think we just need to wait for MA to solve this
  19. sententz

    Disturbance notice regarding In-game services

    so big? thats like alot of people with problems, maaany, its a big hit for that employee
  20. sententz

    Disturbance notice regarding In-game services

    'failed to update'...:yay::yay::yay::yay::yay:
  21. sententz

    Suggestion: Huge growth market suggestion!

    unfortunately is true, yes i was a hunter many years but now is just too slow and difficult even for me, they move in super slow motion and are extremly more then safe in everything, but i need to light this bulb, just to be seen and think about . You said two different styles, came...
  22. sententz

    Suggestion: Huge growth market suggestion!

    To underestimate this huge part of the possible customers is realy a big mistake in my opinion, but ofc is only my opinion. Still... br is only to bring them ingame to know what entropia is about and maybe 5% to remain here for many years. E-sports will become one of the biggest industry in a...
  23. sententz

    Suggestion: Huge growth market suggestion!

    My target is not the EU comunity which will remain at the same numbers in the next ''two centuries'', or even go lower. My target is under 25 years old, everything. These represent around 65% of the gamers world wide. Entropia need to have a 'fast fun' posibility too,'battle royale' style and...
  24. sententz

    Suggestion: Huge growth market suggestion!

    hello! i love entropia for many years and i believe the place for this game in the world should be alot higher. I know MA make huge efforts for this ,so maybe my suggestion will help in a small way. The word is ''BATTLE ROYALE''. A battle royale system based only on pure personal skill and much...
  25. sententz

    Faster withdrawal time?

    Usualy are 45 working days,+-5 days or around. This is working like this in the last 13-14 years or so and i'm actualy ageed with it, even if i dont like it, i understand it. Keep this game far from legal and justice problems and protect the players comunity and the game itself. Is simple as...