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  1. Adjusted Vega

    Help: GFX far to bright...

    I have Exactly the same problem. 8600M GT T7400 2GHz 4Gb Ram
  2. Adjusted Vega

    'antique' opalo?

    I actually dont like the fact they havent changed the look in the Armor :/
  3. Adjusted Vega

    ATH: Skillin' Villains

    Gratz! :):)P:):):):)
  4. Adjusted Vega

    Selling: DR. Almon Duchev Log Part 1

  5. Adjusted Vega

    Selling: DR. Almon Duchev Log Part 1

    Bump bump !!!!
  6. Adjusted Vega

    Selling: DR. Almon Duchev Log Part 1

    Selling Dr, Almon Duchev Log Part 1 please send me offers(not looking for too much) Please Offer here or PM me. //Vega
  7. Adjusted Vega

    Planet Calypso - Sneak Peek Activities Movie

    WoW Sooo nice to be updated :) and a great vid at that :) Thanks!
  8. Adjusted Vega

    Guess the VU delay!

    I think 5:30pm GMT no more :)
  9. Adjusted Vega

    Question: Best gaming Laptop?? help please.

    ASUS G1S and G2S If your in need of a gaming lappy, get an ASUS G Series, G1S, G2S, G70 and so on.. ASUS have a great range of Gaming laptops and i would highly recommend them :) i have the G1S i am sitting on now :) there are also lamborghini versions of the ASUS wihich are very powerful. The...
  10. Adjusted Vega

    New LA's am i missing something?

    green because they are un claimed? or they arnt running yet until they are claimed?
  11. Adjusted Vega

    Selling: Nemesis F

    Free Bump Give up with that Price
  12. Adjusted Vega

    Graffiti Artist - Looking for love :)

    I like the sketches :). I usually paint tracksides, Underground etc:) shhh dont tell no one tho :P. Ill post some of my sketches when i get them back from the police station lol :ahh: Wasnt me :P Vega
  13. Adjusted Vega

    Selling: PA Mall Shop

    BUMP! this up
  14. Adjusted Vega

    Selling: PA Mall Shop

    Lets have ANOTHER BUMP!
  15. Adjusted Vega

    Selling: PA Mall Shop

    PM me to tell me how renting will work and i will get back to you.
  16. Adjusted Vega

    Selling: PA Mall Shop

    Lets look again :)
  17. Adjusted Vega

    Selling: PA Mall Shop

    Gonna Keep Bumping :p
  18. Adjusted Vega

    Selling: PA Mall Shop

    Bump This Up!
  19. Adjusted Vega

    Selling: PA Mall Shop

    I dunno, im just going to hold on current offers. See what that brings me too. Summer is here so maybe i should wait until winter to sell it prices will go up. But still not too sure as to why im selling :) GL, Vega
  20. Adjusted Vega

    Selling: PA Mall Shop

    Bump Up This Thingy
  21. Adjusted Vega

    Selling: PA Mall Shop

    BUMP plz!!!!!!!
  22. Adjusted Vega

    Selling: PA Mall Shop

    Bring Up My....
  23. Adjusted Vega

    Selling: PA Mall Shop

    Bring up.....
  24. Adjusted Vega

    Selling: PA Mall Shop

    Bump This Up Plz!