Search results

  1. L

    Can anyone craft a nano katana?

    Ive been looking for a crafter of Nano Katana's and Nano Dai Katana's if you or anyone Craft such a weapon please let me know and get back to me asap, Im interested in buying them.
  2. L

    Bank NEVERDIE back in business

    Can i ask how did you get the armor i dont see the tellers?
  3. L

    Bank NEVERDIE back in business

    I went to bank Neverdie and do not see the tellers can someone point me in right direction? Leo BlueMan Morosanu' is here with me as well at Neverdie bank and have no idea how to reclaim our items.
  4. L

    How do I buy back my items from Neverdie Bank?

    I'm Hearing rumours of Neverdie bank open to reclaim items, I went to the bank, and found no tellers. Can anyone help me with this, I need to get my armor out.