Search results

  1. P

    Chipped out 10 ped tt of shortblade the 22th: disqualified from mayhem?

    just out of curiousity, can you take the quest anyway? i guess yes, but still curious:)
  2. P

    Merry Mayhem 2011

    i've just checked spawn for cat 1, and only LA6 has a good mob number, all others are almost empty, 1 player could clean them in couple of minutes, and running from one group of 3 mobs to another takes longer than killing them, is it possible to do something about it??
  3. P

    Yet another Transport Service

    ah sorry if i'm not in twin for like 30 min it means i'm offline probably (sleeping or drinking), if you know about flight somewhere beforehand and you will inform me about it i will surely show up
  4. P

    Yet another Transport Service

    Lets bump it
  5. P

    Yet another Transport Service

    Transport service in Armed Quad (Heavy Porcupine and Kismet) prices depend on thrusters MU but at the moments its Planet - FOMA/CP 20 ped Planet - RT/Stations 25 ped Planet - AK 30ped Planet - NI 35 ped If you don't plan on staying only for a short time on a planet then I may wait for you (max...
  6. P

    logging propblem

    When i press Launch on starter i just get black window with entropia's cursor... did anyone experience that? i had 2 weeks break, and it was ok then, its the first time i experience that... any insight on that problem?
  7. P

    Selling: AL26 Serpentis

    come and get yourself a nice gun
  8. P

    Selling: AL26 Serpentis

    still for sale
  9. P

    Selling: AL26 Serpentis

    nice and cheap and no one wants it:)
  10. P

    Selling: AL26 Serpentis

    still for sale, bump
  11. P

    Selling: AL26 Serpentis

    yet another bump
  12. P

    Selling: AL26 Serpentis

  13. P

    Selling: AL26 Serpentis

    good guns, good price
  14. P

    Selling: AL26 Serpentis

    They're below 100
  15. P

    Selling: AL26 Serpentis

    yeah:) thanks for pointing that out, bump
  16. P

    Selling: AL26 Serpentis

    bump bump bump
  17. P

    who wants planet Planet Michael?

    well just to make things clear, i don't mind planet MJ as it is, what i mind is possibilitie of their world and ours, and its obvious those 2 worlds aren't very compatibile
  18. P

    Selling: AL26 Serpentis

    Selling 2 full tt of those (TT is 409) for below 174%, so SB=BO=710ped link to entropedia: AL26 Serpentis
  19. P

    who wants planet Planet Michael?

    but as often stated it is unavoidable that players will mix from both worlds, and sci fi world of calypso will change, as pointed out in Q&A thread, i don't think many of us want Jacksons, egyptians, greek and space marines fighting together against humongous space bunny doing the moonwalk:) i'm...
  20. P

    who wants planet Planet Michael?

    With Q&A thread i think almost all players expressed their concern about lack of sense in the idea of MJ planet, only few were lets say "neutral" i dunno if we had such a poll but question is easy, do you want in EU something like MJ planet? only yes or no, i wonder how many people will answer Y:P
  21. P

    Q&A Thread - The Next Chapter

    Ah I just came up with another question: Have you ever considered localized versions of entropia to boost number of players? it shouldn't be expensive to find professional translators (like me:P) or find people in community to help with the project (like me:P)
  22. P

    Q&A Thread - The Next Chapter

    I don't think those were asked yet: 1) Among taming and other features that vanished since new engine we lost mentoring which was promised to come back in redesigned fashion, like all the questions about ETA heres mine, when will mentoring be back? 2) A assume that investment in creating new...
  23. P

    Selling: Merry Mayhem Arms

    Lets have some fun... I'm lowering SB=BO to 7k but i'm going to increase it by 100ped every day for 10 days, so till i post tomorrow with changed price BO is 7k:)
  24. P

    Selling: Merry Mayhem Arms

    release bump:)
  25. P

    Selling: Merry Mayhem Arms

    yet another bump