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  1. D

    Before you get your withdrawal delayed...

    Wish I would've seen this post before I started my withdrawal. I still dont understand how the bank details page can be so simple. I got the swift code but I have 2 account numbers I need to enter. 1 for the beneficiary bank. Then my personal account number. So I just sent a support case with...
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    Selling: Deo's selling stuff

    bumping it up once again, buy my junk please.
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    Buying: Angel set F

    i got a set, but has sga feet. +11k if youre interested
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    Selling: Deo's selling stuff

    bumping it up, someone buy my stuff.
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    Selling: Deo's selling stuff

    bumping it up, adjusted some prices again. no offers so either im way high or people just arent after these items at all.
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    No loot for over 15 minutes

    and i just got kicked outta game, no warning
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    Selling: Deo's selling stuff

    bumping it up, adjusted a couple prices, taking offers. thanks
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    Selling: Deo's selling stuff

    Angel (F)with angel sga feet +11k OBO Liakon (F) +3k OBO Mahketta (F) +300 OBO Viking (F)...
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    Selling: 4 Genesis Appartments E tower, floor 11.

    what 4 are they?
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    Mayhem Skill Boosts - STOP THEM

    then not only am i pretty drunk, but confused as shit now. im dropping down to cat 4 then, lol, cause RS is top of the game there dps wise
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    Mayhem Skill Boosts - STOP THEM

    man, i never knew messi was such an ass. but anyways, i have a tier 9 ranked scorpian. it is perfect for cat 5, so i chip out hp skills to stay below 190 hp. I have been looking for an UL gun suitable for cat 6 or 7 since thats where i should be, but cant find anything affordable. so i stay in...
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    The Mul's are Back!

    they droppin spleen? all im getting is shrap and liver, and a board, oh, and a 2020 gun, from looter elites
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    Is Mayhem Pay-to-Win or Luck?

    I won cat 5 easter with a t8 ranked scorpion, first run was my winner, next 2 runs didnt even come close. so i say its all luck with the points.
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    Selling: S0ph13 Pet

    +500 i bid
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    Entropiafund Events: Jackpot, Amazing items in Prizes (Join Here)

    add me please, deo deo ingie, thanks
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    Question: What drops (L) restoration chips?

    i got one from neomex, i forget what level it was
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    The Ambuliped New Edition @ OLA 17 The Salty Flats

    please register deo deo ingie
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    Zip's Pure Peds Payouts!

    please register deo deo ingie
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    Selling: EST set (M), Nemesis Adjusted SET, Sterling Chirin Pet lvl 10

    what sex are the arm guards? if F, how much u asking?
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    Selling: Weapon Amps, Loot, Clothes

    what does that violet gown look like?
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    Selling: Mayhem Scintillator Azure SOLLLLDDD

    does it really only do 16 damage? seems low for a level 35 weapon.
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    Selling: Selling my outfit (F)

    +10 over the last bid placed, i think _75, so lets just make it +80
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    Selling: Selling my outfit (F)

    +50, i like the look
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    Selling: Imperial HAZEN Helm (F)

    he had messaged me ingame saying he wouldnt take 2k, so i offered more, but now thta you say it sold for 1.2k, maybe i wont bother. I got the gloves for 2k just cause i wanted them.
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    Selling: Imperial HAZEN Helm (F)

    howabout 2.5k?