Search results

  1. W

    Looking for ex-players to interview!

    For someone not knowing. What is McCormick's story? Why is he important? What did McCormick do?
  2. W

    What Floats your Musical Boat, At this Very Second :)

    I've been listening to a lot of Mana lately. My favorite is an old song, Cuando Los Angeles Lloran.
  3. W

    Question: Would You Like to See Land Grab Area Taxes?

    Yes I like to see please.
  4. W

    Moral dilemma

    Choose right. If you exploit the system and MA knows u can lose everything. Better not to cheat.
  5. W

    FYI: It's time to fix Polished Chrome Texture

    Do you have screenshot by chance?
  6. W

    Cost to play issue, is EU value for money to you?

    Always remember when you play EU to play at a cost you are comfortable. There is not one way to play that is correct and one that is wrong. This game can be enjoyed for $0, $5, and $5,000 a month.
  7. W

    Entropia Universe 16.0.3 Release Notes

    I miss right click interact with mob while you hunt. Maybe this can be an option brought back?
  8. W

    FYI: Now lets show some love for the pvp and fix all exploits

    And maybe return Pyrite to PVP4 land. This creates incentives to mine there. While they remove pyrite from PVP3, only keep it in lootable and players then have a reason.
  9. W

    Info: The Ministry's OLA 65

    Nice mob and land. I hunt here on the weekend. GL
  10. W

    Selling: Firebird Limited Edition

    Really beautiful ship gl w sale
  11. W

    Suggestion: tier system re-balancing for costs, ingredient availability, extreme slowness in some categories

    I hear one person manipulate auction with opals. U can see his name on selling opals, he only keep price artificial high. Maybe MA release more opal and this person lose big $, or maybe he continue manipulate and defraud community. I think MA need act as police and stop him from manipulating...
  12. W

    Why are there no CLD left on auction?

    Is exactly why. I think so too.
  13. W

    Entropia Universe 16.0.2 Release Notes

    I like the new changes.
  14. W

    Uber: 2x Uber loot

    Very nice loot GZ!
  15. W

    Server Downtime for Patch

    We see what gets fixed