160 Ped/min decay of EU economy?

Crafting decay and the Law of Average

The only crafting decay I can positively identify are BP (L)s and avatar-held tools other than the universal crafting machines; for example: colorators and bleachers.

For crafters, the two primary of sources PED drain are markup paid to other avatars, and markup lost when selling ground products to trade terminals. Sure, crafting yields are just like other gambling activities: most of the time 50% trade terminal value return, about 25% trade terminal value return from globals, and sometimes special loot that might turn the run positive on PEDs.

On average, we should all see:
trade terminal value out = trade terminal value in - 10 PEDs/hour

Eventually, though, you will get a few consecutive bad runs and you will have to return to sweating for a few months, or deposit. When you return to your gambling runs, you will eventually average out by scoring some globals. We usually call that "deposit magic." Really, it is just the Law of Average kicking in: all trends average out over time.