Suggestion: Advanced sale thread

ProActive Mango

Aug 28, 2014
How about players get a UL tool that allows for a similar system as the auctionhouse but this will only show adds for what ppl are selling in this closed system. (Could be a crafted items aswell, same as a portable repair unit.)
There will be a fee to add sales in this system. X amount of peds depending on nr of days your add will be there.
The system will show what you have for sale same as the auctionhouse but your not able to sell in this system.
Players can use this system anywhere same as a portable repair unit.
System will have a link to your avatar for fast contact.
The system is not meant to replace the current auctionhouse but to add possibilities to the market.
This will enhance player experience and sales sence most people want to play the game and not focus on spamming a trade channel.

What do you people think? Add more, change something or remove something?

I think this can help both Mindark and players.
I think that we got a auction.
And a advertise terminal.

when i'm on the Look for something i first check the auction , then forum , then Google, then i runn to every Shop i know meanwhile i ask in trade Chat. Takes me avarge 3 days to find what i am looking for.
I think that we got a auction.
And a advertise terminal.

when i'm on the Look for something i first check the auction , then forum , then Google, then i runn to every Shop i know meanwhile i ask in trade Chat. Takes me avarge 3 days to find what i am looking for.
Then you dont understand or read my post.

A tool that you can use... when you use the tool... you can put up adds in form of sale post with links on the gear and the seller. Each post in this new funtion cost some pec or peds to create. The tool will open up a auctionlike page where you can see peoples adds and sale post with links to name and what they want for it. In this tool you can offer the players ped offers and trade offers with other items. The end deal has to be either in a new auction function or player to player.

This way you dont have to spam the trade chats.
You can sell entier sets for hunting or just specific items.

The new tool is to make trading easier for players in the game.
Auction order
sure if everyone gets one like a sweat tool and no it should not cost anything more than AH fees in place now to use?

i do think it is a bit duplicative (as Prey mentions above we have auction system etc..) but an interesting idea -

MA could also update the auction system to incorporate your ideas but then they will make the fees even more inaccessible to new players selling low MU small stacks etc... sad!
The system is not meant to be connected to auctionhouse, its supposed to be a system you can browse while your out hunting, exploring, taking spaceshuttles to other planets and have something to do in the "down time" of the gameplay.
You cant buy stuff in the system you can only browse what sellers sells and contanct them in the system for futher contact.

Its meant to be an alternative to spamming in tradechat.
Why? What are the benefits of such system.. I still call it tradechat.

You know you can have small notes to save your "favourite" WTBs/WTS´s in game. No need to redo them everytime. Just set up something that works for you. Use the current system. Press up and cycle you last chats. Dude cmon.. UE5 member??
I agree with others, not sure what this does. Seems a hybrid of auction and trade chat but with none of the benefits of either. Maybe I’m not understanding properly.

Seems to be the main gripe is not wanting to waste time/effort spamming trade chats. Well perhaps instead we just improve usability on this front. I have played other games where certain text commands can be Saved to a hotkey. Eg: “/calytrade WTS My Poo Gun TWEN Edition 1 mil PEDs OBO” can be keyed to the F6 key, or put as a button on screen. Then whenever you hit that button the game automatically puts that spam on calytrade. That would be a nice QOL improvement.
Trying to sell on the trade chat isn't spamming. That's what the trade chat is for.